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Howard already confirmed this. For fire there is an explosive fireball, a flamethrower and a burning rune. I suppose every element has its own type of damage spells


how about charging up spells to do more dmg? like holding the spell casting key to charge up the power of the spell like in fable.

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Not necessarily. In GI it said you could equip the item to either hand, meaning if you equip a two handed weapon to your left hand likely your character wields the weapon with his left hand being dominant.
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here is 3 new ideas.


1: to go with my fighting art/fighting style/fighting stance idea the enemys can also use fighting arts as well. enemys/npcs from certain areas or factions or various training will use certain arts. like npcs from the imperial legion will use fencing (if they have a sword) and if unarmed then they will be using brawler fighting. if enemy is from lets say akaviri trained then fighting styles could be either samurai or ninja like depending on art trained in.


2: some swords and other weapons should fall under both 1 and 2 handed like bastard swords and katanas. the player should be able to decide if they want the weapon to be held with one hand or both.


3: some more powerful spells should be 2 handed in order to be cast and using (clicking or holding) either the left or right mouse button or both can yield different results and effects.

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Horse archery would be really cool, I love doing it in Mount & Blade but I'd love to be able to do it in Skyrim. On the same note I would love better archery, more bows (like big longbows, or small recurve bows. I thought Oblivions were too bland or did very little damage) or different arrows like fire or w/e.
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I just got an idea, how about if the dynamic snow acctualy built up on your outfits if you sat/stood in the same place for a while, same with NPC's and monsters. Imagine standing up after sitting at a camp and watching the snow fall out of you're char's Beard, hair or Helmet and cloathing/armour. But this may already be a part of the Dynamic snow.


One thing i'm interested in is this idea of "equipting" a spell to a hand. I want to be able to use a sword, shield and in the middle of combat casting a Fire spell in a time of need. This Equipting worries me slightly. :)


and going back to page 18 about zaldiir and Omegaforte, I hate Steam, not because i'm a Pirate, dont you see pirates love steam, look up the dozens of L4D2 cracks. No, i hate it because i can't play the games on steam. (31.2 Kbps internet connection) Steam tells me the game isn't released, needs updating or says after half an hour of loading that my connection failed. Not only that the Updaing part is a problem. 31.2 KILOBYTES PER SECOND. when i get a game it's normaly a few months after release, by then the patches are MASSIVE and would take me over 12 hours to load, My internet cuts out randomly after 12+ hours. Please explain how i'm ment to enjoy a Steam game with all it's Glorious features when i can't even play one? Seriously i bought it in store. it's a SINGLE PLAYER ONLY game, why do i need to have a fast internet connection (which i can't get may i add, Satilite doesn't even work here.) and update, (which i may not want to do. it's Draconian forcing people to update when they dont want to.) and then go online just to press play offline. So dont ever say only pirates dont like steam, infact, they love it. Gets them more downloads, you see.


Sorry, i just can't stand seeing people try to shrug everyone who doesn't like steam off as pirates. it infuriates me.


After that rant i just had a "Holy crap thats a good idea" Idea! This probably belongs in a future modding topic for Skyrim, seeing as it is too late to add these kinds of thinks but make the clothing and hair Truely Dynamic! When armour/weapons are worn and broken down show scratches and cracks, Clothing gets rippend and dirty, wet and dries. Hair gets wet blows in the wind (which seems likely due to the new engine) dries, Etc. and depending on how Mod-accessable it is i sort of hope to see more Role playing mods than oblivion had, such as grooming your hair. otherwise it would become all matted and dirty. No matter how much it blew in the wind! (that last part is ment to be slightly comical...) but please ask them to make it as accessable to modders as possible. :)

Edited by hircines alpha werewolf
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