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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Since I imagine that all the usual suggestions have already been made, I'm going to make an unusual list of suggestion taken from this article:

  1. Release more demos. Demos are becoming rarer these days, and this provides an excuse for piracy. Of course Crysis had a full demo for example and was still pirated to the tune of almost 1 million copies in 2008 alone, however a demo released before the final game will help some legitimate purchasers avoid the temptation of day-zero piracy, help manage user expectations about the final game, spread valuable word of mouth legitimately, and also help identify major bugs earlier, leading to quicker patches.
  2. Make copy protection and DRM methods clearer on game boxes and on game websites. Also publish a link to a page detailing the hardware with which the protection is incompatible (e.g. SecuROM & known DVD drive incompatibilities). Aside from deflating claims of a cover-up, this also allows customers to make a fully informed purchase and lowers support costs.
  3. Publish realistic minimum and recommended specs. Too many people assume that minimum specs are sufficient to play the game at low settings, when in reality minimum specs are usually sufficient to only barely run the game in an unplayable manner. Recommended specs should be published to a standardized level across all games, e.g. 'Below is the recommended hardware to achieve an average of 30FPS at 1280x720'.
  4. Provide a toll-free tech support line for DRM-related issues. It's completely unreasonable for legitimate purchasers to have to pay several dollars a minute to call tech support regarding issues that are no fault of their own, such as SecuROM disc check failures and known drive incompatibilities. Emailing tech support on these issues is also a complete waste of time due to vague stock answers, so email support also needs to be shored up.
  5. Stop delaying releases by region. Releasing games earlier in some regions is probably the single biggest incentive for people to pirate a game and contribute to day-zero piracy. Releasing games with different protection methods in different regions also allows pirates to simply attack the weakest link to achieve a working crack. For example the TAGES system in STALKER: Clear Sky went uncracked for two weeks after release, however the Russian StarForce version of the game's executable - which was released three weeks earlier in Russia - was cracked and used as a working crack for the non-Russian versions upon their release. So release all games globally at approximately the same time, and unify the protection method if you're serious about slowing down day-zero piracy.
  6. Lower prices on digital distribution. Instead of making sure that digital copies match retail copies in an effort to protect retail distribution, accept the transition to digital distribution by lowering prices to realistically reflect the lower costs, potentially increasing sales due to the greater convenience at a lower price.

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You have cancer? Well, I hope for your full recovery. There are two things that I want Skyrim to have:


1) When fighting (performing sneak attacks from a huge distance / hiding from enemies following you), make it like when you are not in their line of sight plus other factors like light, sound, etc., they won't find you right away. Like for example when I'm running away from the guards, I hide temporarily at the back of the house or on the roofs. The problem is they easily find me unless I flee to other cities.


2) Since we're having dragons.. when they attack villages, I wish you can jump on their backs and ride on them, stabbing them on their necks. It would be fun if they try to throw you away by flying really fast and hitting large structures.


Thank you for considering our suggestions. God bless you and your family.. :D

Edited by dnek
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Looking at the many mods on the various nexus forums it strikes me that all playes (by download volume certainly noticeable) seem to like to have a simple "base" to return with their goodies. Looking at new vegas for instance the underground hideout was simple enough to return to and sort things etc. Now I understand the narrative leads the player on a journey but I think it's a nice part to have in a game, with the more medieval plot/environs of Elder Scrolls it would be nice to see the odd trophy adorning the hearth from more noteable victories and quest completions. Certainly swords etc would make great trophies and lend to that atmosphere I think. It doesn't have to be anything 'massive' but definatly plenty containers and (compared to some mods) being designed by the designers likely to be less buggy or slow. I hope that the designers do visit the forums (not so much to pinch) but borrow the principles seen there. All in all looking forward to the next instalment and definately think that omce the main plot is finished you should be free to roam, thus allowing more easy passage into add-on adventures, new lands etc, but again not losing touch with the character that you've grown. Edited by theejames
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As I said in Zaldiir's thread, I would like to see horses with multiple speeds....trot, canter, gallop, etc. Perhaps implemented through multiple taps of the forward key. Galloping could be considered a horse version of the sprint that was said to be in the game...only sustainable for so long.


I hope you have fun on your trip, and I pray for your swift and complete recovery. Best of luck to you and yours.

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how about hunting for money? that was one of my favorite parts of red dead, and in skyrim im sure it would just be better, maybe even implement the economy system so if you hunt to much the prices drop. Edited by bishop278
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