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Miss Sparkle - BANNED

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Miss Sparkle banned.


Off you go. No idea why you decided to sit in the chat considering how much you claimed to dislike it in there. Drama queen, I guess.


On the note of BlackBaron2: he has openly come out and explained his situation on Mumble (with 30 other people) as well as in the chat at certain times. None of the staff here care about people's personal situations and the drama that revolves around them so long as it doesn't become an issue on these sites. We don't care and ideally we don't want to know because it has no baring on anything at all. Who you are and what you do in the real world is none of our business and we don't want any drama because of it. White, black, yellow, straight, gay, bi, male, female, both, neither; we don't care. All we care about is actions.


Miss Sparkle: your attempt to try and "out" BlackBaron2 and embarrass him and then immediately leaving chat after doing it only shows you for the pathetic coward you are. Go join the drama queen ranks of your recently banned "friends".

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