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A miserable modded beginning


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The last character I rolled, my Breton namedChristian, was created prior to the installation of any mods, and I put 300+ hours into him and decided to try something a little different. I added the main quest delayer mod and the beggar mod that let's you ask for coins, and rolled a female Breton thief named Corrine.


The very first thing she was forced to endure was arriving by boat...with no clothes or money. I don't know if that's how the boat arrival mod always works, but poor Corrine had to wander the streets of Anvil in a white thong (thank goodness I didn't have the BAB nude patch installed) looking through boxes and barrels for clothes. She found a skirt which at least covered her butt and proceeded to beg some coins off strangers, then head to the nearest inn. After spending what little money she had on a bed, she was awakened by Sir Edward Pellew (from the ToTF mod) who attacked her in bed. I was running the "see you sleep" mod, so she was back in her underwear, and after realizing punching Pellew was worthless, she ran out into the street to get help from the guards.


I don't know if the "no clothes" thing is supposed to be part of the quest delayer, but so far, it's been a less than profitable and rather embarassing beginning for poor Corrine, thanks to various mods I have installed. Christian was at least well established before things got crazy for him...

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Alternative Start - Arrive by ship is the mod I use for my characters.




It allows you to choose everything for your starting character (appearance, classes, specializations..etc)


the most important thing about this mod to you would be the option for Background. you can check a few options here dependant on what you want your character to be, then you use the bed in this small room.


It will put you in your destination of choosing after that, and you will find a small sack of your starting equipment and some gold. the items and gold are dependant on the background you choose.


If you where to restart your adventure with Corrine, I would use this instead.

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yeah, that sounds like a much better way to begin. Thankfully, in this case, I'd intended for her to start life as a beggar with next to nothing, but she didn't even get the luxury of the prison clothes you normally get for going to jail.


As an aside, I don't have an issue with the normal starting quest, the whole reason I used an alternate beginning mod was because Corrine is a customer race (the "breton freckled" race from Heart of the Dead) and Valen Dreth wouldn't speak to her when starting in prison, arriving by ship worked though.

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the whole reason I used an alternate beginning mod was because Corrine is a customer race (the "breton freckled" race from Heart of the Dead) and Valen Dreth wouldn't speak to her when starting in prison, arriving by ship worked though.


The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes that problem...

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the whole reason I used an alternate beginning mod was because Corrine is a customer race (the "breton freckled" race from Heart of the Dead) and Valen Dreth wouldn't speak to her when starting in prison, arriving by ship worked though.


The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes that problem...



Either way though, vanilla beginning is just plain bad in my opinion. It takes too long to get out into the world, especially if you already know everything the tutorial will say. And from a role play point of view, My character Evelynne is a Paladin, and would never find herself in a jail cell...so it just does not fit for me, or some of the other players characters.

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Even a paladin can get tossed in jail due to a misunderstanding - like refusing to pay a bribe to a city watch to not throw them in jail. Morally your paladin cannot pay a bribe, and also cannot refuse to be jailed for it - a moral dilemma.

However, there are many alternative starting mods that start you in places other than jail. And many mods that allow you to skip directly to the exit from the sewers at the end of the tutorial - with or without the equipment you would have picked up going through the tutorial.

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