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Should this be legal?



14 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this be legal?

    • Yes, free speech is free speech.
    • No, Hate speech is not free speech.

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I think it all comes down to whether that KKK-snowman will inspire/encourage anyone to harm others.

Right now, I don't think a KKK-snowman would be taken seriously. Not even by people who endorse or oppose it.

It's a joke, a pun. A laugh.


Now if you however managed to build a black snowman that would have some (fatal?) cruelty dealt to it...that could be illegal. Because it could inspire to do an actual harmful deed.


I'm no lawyer, though. Don't hold this against me.

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I have to say Free-speech is free-speech. If you want to express your opinion you should! Even if it offends someone its what you think and thats what you should believe. Yourself.

As of the guy building the kkk snowman, he probably didn't do it for harm but probably did it for the "lulz". He thought it would be funny but it may have offended many.

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