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less benevolent NCR, less malevolent Legion


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One thing that has always bothered me about New Vegas is that it makes the NCR look like the good guys in almost every scenario, and it makes the Legion look evil in every scenario.

In fallout 2, the NCR were a bunch of overly strict sticks in the mud, controlled by bureaucratic squabbling politicians who used trade and military intimidation to expand. This is reflected in the game, there are many restrictions in fallout 2's NCR town it borders on 1984 style dystopia. Talking to any of the politicians or leaders in NCR could lead to yourself getting shot at or kicked out just because you looked at their butler funny. it felt like NCR weren't the absolute good guys and it gave them depth and personality.

Meanwhile, the legion are depicted as being absolutely evil and savage. They rape women, the enslave children, they slaughter whole towns just because they felt like it. The only thing missing was vulpes's twirling mustache animation. But the weird part is in van buren, the legion had a civilian side that are affected by the legion's actions. If the legion failed at the second battle Hoover dam, at first you would cheer because they are the savage bad guys, but then you realize that civilians rely on the legion for protection against outsider tribes and raiders. it was a twist, it was supposed to teach the player all actions have consequences, and every military has reasons to do what it does and if it fails, the people living under them will be affected. But the Legion civilian side is removed completely from New Vegas, you never see them, ever. Which makes some people assume all the legion is a military where all the men become soldiers and all the women become slaves, when that's not the whole truth.

So, I want a mod that:

1-makes NCR overly strict and controlling to make them less likable and give them more personality and consistancy with the pervious games

2-puts legion civilians in the game and gives them dialog to flesh out the legion more, and to put the legion in a somewhat positive light

Edited by TheBlob2
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Also, if you play as a female courier, the Legion might be willing to not treat you like total garbage if you show off how exactly how much of a total badass you really are?


I believe that is already in a mod, where they don't insult female Couriers liked by the Legion... ^^

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Also, if you play as a female courier, the Legion might be willing to not treat you like total garbage if you show off how exactly how much of a total badass you really are?


that sentence is very strangely worded, could you explain what you mean exactly?

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I think the NCR still has most of the Fallout 2 feel though perhaps adding a few tolls on roads would make them a bit less likeable.

The legion really needs some work. The fallout series seems to pretty good at shades of grey but their villains always seems to just be plain evil. The van buren legion sounded like a decent faction that players might actually side with.

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I think the NCR still has most of the Fallout 2 feel though perhaps adding a few tolls on roads would make them a bit less likeable.

also, random instances where the NCR mistreats the player for having low charisma or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. like a reputation drop, or being un-allowed to enter certain locations. tolls would be good, although they have to be just high enough to not affect the game in a big way, but also high enough to be very annoying in the mid/early game. around 100 caps sounds like a good amount.


also, weapon restrictions in every NCR controlled area. (I mean like all NCR troopers turning hostile if you have a weapon drawn, but actually having weapons Isn't against the rules, but having them drawn is)



I think the NCR still has most of the Fallout 2 feel though perhaps adding a few tolls on roads would make them a bit less likeable.


The legion really needs some work. The fallout series seems to pretty good at shades of grey but their villains always seems to just be plain evil. The van buren legion sounded like a decent faction that players might actually side with.

While I agree, what the villains are doing is always wrong (the master's army turning everyone into mutants, enclave wanting to kill everyone because they think everyone is a mutant), they always have morally sound reasons for doing it (the master turning everyone into mutants so they can survive better in the wasteland and have better evolutionary traits, enclave wanting to get rid of the 'mutant' menace that occupies their rightful homeland).
The villains in fallout have typically done the wrong things, and have good reasons for doing them that aren't completely malevolent.
But in the legion's case, they are doing the right thing, but for the worst reasons.
"every villain, is the hero of their own story" I think is the quote. no good villain does something while being fully aware that what they are doing is wrong, and I think that applies to all the fallout villains
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I like the idea of tolls, but how about making the NCR do the most horrible thing possible to another human being, have a sidequest where the player has to fill out his "taxes." Just make that quest as obnoxious and long as humanly possible... for no reward. And, it is necessary to join their faction.

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I like the idea of tolls, but how about making the NCR do the most horrible thing possible to another human being, have a sidequest where the player has to fill out his "taxes." Just make that quest as obnoxious and long as humanly possible... for no reward. And, it is necessary to join their faction.

That would be amazing. I'm pretty sure that alone would cause a lot of players to side against the NCR. Perhaps some bureaucratic forms to fill in when they first enter the embassy and camp McCarren?

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I like the idea of tolls, but how about making the NCR do the most horrible thing possible to another human being, have a sidequest where the player has to fill out his "taxes." Just make that quest as obnoxious and long as humanly possible... for no reward. And, it is necessary to join their faction.

That would be amazing. I'm pretty sure that alone would cause a lot of players to side against the NCR. Perhaps some bureaucratic forms to fill in when they first enter the embassy and camp McCarren?


And depending on the player's reputation and speech skill, or maybe you insult the clerk purposefully, it could take much longer for you to complete the forms, or the desk clerk would refuse to deal with you and you can never enter the area.

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i think it'd be simple enough to add "tax collectors" in certain NCR areas, like the Outpost, 188, etc that charge the player 50-100 caps or so the first time the area is entered.


Maybe add a few NPCs that really look down on non-citizens as well, kind of like the squatters quest in freeside, but more broad. Have a lot more discrimination towards those who haven't accepted NCR rule, such as freeside, Prim (if "my kind of town" doesn't turn them NCR), or other smaller settlements. Maybe add a few soldiers that take advantage of those they find powerless.


I was also thinking of trying to get together a rather large mod which took the courier to Arizona (if they are on decent or better terms with the Legion), so they could actually see the good that the legion had provided to the area. New quests such as keeping the peace, helping trade, and actually giving the legion infrastructure, other than just the militaristic savages that we see in nevada. That way the player could see a brighter side. Make a few Centurions that treat their slaves like their own family, provide more traders that are thankful to the legion's protection, or lead a war against a headhunting tribe, saving another village.


Anyway, those were just some of my ideas that kind of fit into your idea.

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