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a question about "setlevel"


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I rolled a character using a main quest delayer mod and when it asked me what level I wanted to begin at, I thought it was the Deadly Reflex mod asking about the decapitation percentage. It took me a bit to realize I was at a very high level, so long that I didn't want to start all over. I did some research and used -setav and -serlevel to put my character back to level one, but answer me this - is the world going to spawn high level monsters to match the old level? So far I have not seen any...
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Those commands are not PERMANANT. In fact I believe they were put in to test chests and loot boxes to make sure they were giving the right leveled items.


But if you messed up your mod script there should be a command to reset it and if there isn't then just disable the delay main quest mod and reenable it and you should be able to set another level. I always do that with my camera mod. Computer lags and I set it to the walk key.

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