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Hello one and all!

This is my mod request for an NPC spawner and dead NPC replacer.

Basically the idea is that when a unique or essential npc dies (with the help of the mod that allows npcs to be made unessential), (but not all of them, people you need to kill for quests should stay dead and un-replaced, but who is up to your logical discretion) they eventually get replaced by someone else with different looks and a different name but with the same or similar or differently emphasized dialogue options and different monologues. When they (the replacer npcs) spawn, they travel from wherever they came from and can stop off anywhere in skyrim so their travels can take them the long way or the short way, making intervals between when the original vanilla npc dies and when the modded replacer npc arrives interchangeable and relative. Basically it works like rank, so say Hadvar or Ralof is killed in the opening sequence, then the person to logically take their position is called for, but, if you kill say, 20 of the replacers, the questline ends for their respective quests.

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