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Okay, I really don't get the hand to hand ingame. So when fighting some rats in a sewer, making the last Thiefguild quest, I got an idea.


How about some gloves, wich could look kinda like this : http://www.muc.muohio.edu/~natedogg/more_showing_claws.JPG .. but mabey simply with the skin from like the leathegraves...

Or perhaps like a knife sticking out from the sweather, curiass, armor whatever..


And the point: these gloves or whatever they would be.. are boosted (alot..) in hand to hand!


I know these would seem to fit blade better than hand to hand, but seriously what is the hand to han skill good for? this would atleast make them look cool ^^

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There's an excellent mod called "Monk Claws" or "Monk gloves and claws".

I'm sorry, but I can't remember the name of the author, haven't used it much.


I find my mod "Blow 'em up, Oblivion!" a must-have for hand-to-hand. At least for small fights. Really gives you that feeling of striking, when the last uppercut gets in, and your foe gets slinged several meters (and ends up in the other end of the bar, under a table)!

Power-attacks, right? :)

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Firts of all : Thanks..

Second thing: I think i might try your mod ;p sounds fun, sepecially for making barfights :D



But the things in the claw mod arn't bosted.. and then they are simply for look.. and well I don't really get the enchantig weapons.. sometimes you cna do alot of stuff, and sometimes simply like 4 stuff!

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There happens to be an enchanted pair of leather bracers in the game that will boost your Hand-to-Hand skill. They're inside a locked chest sitting in plain view.


Then there's always sap gloves.






Oh, you mean the Bands of Kwang Lao in the Imperial City Arena inside Branwen and Saliith's chest? Oh, woops, did I just say that out loud? But, I used to have this mod enabled (worthless to me now, so I disabled it) in which it adds a pair of Wrist Blades that look like what is in the picture, but they have two blades on each, and are red. They boost your hand to hand skill.

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