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MAYA to nif converting...?


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Hey people.


A friend of mine may be willing to make several models for me, but thing is that he uses maya, which does not seem to support nif's...


Is there some way to convert these files, or something of the like?

How would he need to attach havoks (as this seems to be an engine-thing)?


Could someone please clarify some of this, or perhaps link me to some tutorials?

The overall converting of files that oblivion'll recognize, as this seems to elude us a bit.







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Well, thanks man... You made your point :D


This should work, have a kudo for consolation!







Thanks, that does indeed include most of it... But is says no collision (and I therefore assume no havoks as well)

How could we do that...?

Edited by GreatLucifer
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Hmm.... if there's no way to import/export it with Maya, he may just be stuck using another alternative like Blender for doing such. Luckily it's pretty simple, usually little more than taking a cube and shaping it a tiny bit. There's a nice little tutorial for doing such here.


If there's a more convenient method, hopefully someone else will speak up.

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But is says no collision (and I therefore assume no havoks as well)

Havok is the name of oblivions physics engine. All collision testing is done by that engine. And all collision objects are essentially hakok code. So yeah you could say that, but it sounds a bit weird to put it that way.

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You may be right, but as far as I understand (I just started working in Unity), all physics engines work slightly different, and therefore need different properties. As with Unity for instance, you assign the havoks or physics within the editor, not the mesh. Same goes for collision... which makes the overall a bit confusing.


But hey, potato - potato (potayto - potahto :D for clarity)





Edited by GreatLucifer
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You may be right, but as far as I understand (I just started working in Unity), all physics engines work slightly different, and therefore need different properties. As with Unity for instance, you assign the havoks or physics within the editor, not the mesh. Same goes for collision... which makes the overall a bit confusing.


But hey, potato - potato (potayto - potahto :D for clarity)





technically unless Unity is using havok physics engine... you will not be assigning havok ever. Havok is the name of the engine. It's just modders of these games, and some others, are calling physics properties havok. or havoked. it's kind of a slang term. Collision objects are all part of the havok engine in recent Beth games.


from what I just read, Unity is using PhysX. So no havok unless your particular iteration of the engine has a license for it and integrated that instead.

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Hence "... havoks or physics ... ". I realise they are (about) the same thing, but the ease of being able to "havok" / "physX" / "physic" within editor instead of mesh is wonderfully convenient, but does mean that the unity models we have created thus far have no form of physics on the mesh... We had no need before, so no meshes have that property yet :D


This will be quite some work, I guess...


On a sidenote, what we're hoping / trying to get implemented is the new Euphoria engine (system plugin, hopefully).

Might be wishfull thinking for now, but we have a team, so who knows.... Right now we'll just start small.


Thanks for the advice,





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