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ZeldaMod Updates


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Update of ZeldaMod by kevin8or.

Using Legendary Master Sword v11 by Styles2304. Going to add silver and gold gauntlets. Fixed problem with Epona walking away but you have to put he in the city's stable until /i can put her up for sale or make her player-owned. Plan on adding armor rating to tunics. Also added item list in game so you don't have to keep looking at the readme. It hints to item locations, doesn't just give them away. Also made all armor besides enchanted armor and gauntles, helmets, and boots unplayable and doubled armor rating on normal gauntlets, helmets, and bootss. Going to add fairy's (hopefully) Hyrulian race for link character and Zelda when I get her in there. Adding Ganondorf and Gerudos.

Please give any suggestions. I will keep this mod up to date and now have current Beta (1.2) available here




Please be reminded that this is only a Beta. I will update it as it comes along and post screenshots onec i figure out how to get it working (I did the bAllowScreenShots= 1 in the .ini but the printscreen button won't work. Any way to fix this?).

If you would like to help me with this. email me at [email protected].

I need a modeler and scripter. Or the correct programs and how to use them. Scripting can be done by me though.

Thank You! ;D


Listen, I really need a team for this because I can't do everything!

Just offer me some help, k?


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Not really a big Zelda fan, but this sounds nice. I hope someone is interested, I'd like to see some screens. Good luck with it!


By the way, next time, post it in the Oblivion Modifications forum ;)

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Hi im a big fan of Zelda so i thoug of giving some sugestion to u, and great idea by the way.


1) Instead of Sepim coins change them into Rupis (Zelda money) the coding wont be hard but meaby geting a good rupy texture will


2) On the long run make a quest on colecting the Triforce u can make them 2 of them as ring and 1 as a amulet or just items like the 1 u get on the DB guild quest just by having it give u some small bonus or spells, up to u.


3) make a Zelda life/mana/fatigue like the 1 on Zelda 64 with good texture


4) Make the full Arsenal of Links Weapons up to what Oblivion let u make ( I dont know if making a bomerang is even posible in the game)


5) Everytime u open a chest (locked) add the Zelda open chest sound (Super nintendo)


6) Add Hirule castle :P


Aniway not all the sugestion are great and idk if some of then are posible and what kind of skills u have ( geting help will be nice for some of my sugestions) So hope they gave u some kinds of ideas better than mines.

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i saw a mod where you shoot an arrow and it had a rope attached to it allowing you to climb it. perhaps an alternative to the hookshot?


ganondorf roaming tamriel or a black horse?


fight ganondorf to fight ganon


i think that these are the best pics of them (although i bet they are hard to make)










deity link armour and weapon


all pictures are there to help/so people know whos who... (sooo cool if you can possible make this, dont screw it up or ull have loads of mad gamers on ur back :P)

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OK, thanks for all the help you guys.

And to WarKirby: I am not using the original ZeldaMod Master Sword [it just doesn't work as a retexed silver longsword]

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Don't forget to make a link class, just so people can use all of his weapons/armor without needing good skills. Maybe you could use:




Light Armor

Heavy Armor (or not)

Restoration(Nayrus Love)

Destruction(Din's Fire)

Mysticism (Impliment mark/recal spells somehow(other mods can do this))

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i cant remember what game it was from, but the wing part of the hilt of the master sword is closed, and when link grabs it it opens up. any way of having it do that when sheathed/unsheathed? or even have a quest where you have to unlock the power of the master sword, before quest its closed and after it opens up?


this master sword looks realy cool, but, the winged part as i call it is silver, got to make it blue like the propper master sword.


on most, if not all of the games, the master sword shoots energy when you have full health, what about the same thing, but shoots a single lightning bolt when swung?

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