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Swanick and Vulpes not spawning.

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My current load order is as follows:



[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] TribalPack.esm

[X] ClassicPack.esm

[X] MercenaryPack.esm

[X] CaravanPack.esm

[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm

[X] Caliber.esm

[X] RRCompanionVault.esm

[X] ValleyOfTheGiants.esm

[X] CHEMS.esm

[X] More Perks.esm

[X] KatanasMod.esm

[X] RiaAmmo.esm

[X] wsex.esm

[X] cortexscrambler.esm

[X] SuperJump_Land_3x.esp

[X] NVR - Extra Actions Lib.esm

[X] Lings.esm

[X] Shojo Race Vegas.esm

[X] Active Wasteland.esm

[X] IzPunisherComp.esm

[X] IzEliComp.esm

[X] ColdTurkey.esp

[X] ReallyOTS.esp

[X] ROTSCloserCamera.esp

[X] BoilingOil - Eli's Edge.esp

[X] RickAstleyGun.esp

[X] Classic M72 Gauss Rifle.esp

[X] Classic Flamer Pistol.esp

[X] MoraelinsEpixGreatsword.esp

[X] DWDEagle44.esp

[X] Armageddon Weapon & Mine.esp

[X] Vaporizer.esp

[X] FNVMods Rocket Propelled Chainsaw.esp

[X] Devil'sMistressReturns.esp

[X] Virtuoso.esp

[X] Jackal.esp

[X] K-39RailRifle.esp

[X] Jswords4sale.esp

[X] JTommyGun4Loot.esp

[X] Kerberosweapons.esp

[X] RHINO45-70_NV.esp

[X] M82.esp

[X] RAMusashiDaiKatana.esp

[X] BlackDragonNinjato.esp

[X] NVFranchiSpas12.esp

[X] Wanted SA Matchmaster.esp

[X] MoraelinsJavelins.esp

[X] CheyTac.esp

[X] boltgun.esp

[X] Molotov Cocktail.esp

[X] Red9.esp

[X] LightSaberMod.esp

[X] JM1Garand4Loot.esp

[X] Weathered10mmFixed.esp

[X] MoraelinsEpixAxe.esp

[X] zaty1kabar-Easymode.esp

[X] FabriqueNationale.esp

[X] Auto Axe 1.1.esp

[X] Infiltrator_Increased_Stats.esp

[X] FingerOfGodNV.esp

[X] Classic Quad Barrel Riot Shotgun.esp

[X] SOGFusionTomahawk.esp

[X] Ultimate Doom by GrimReaper2121.esp


[X] The Seeder of Death.esp

[X] Classic SuperSledge (Replacer).esp

[X] FNP90.esp

[X] RANodachi.esp

[X] Mine Launcher.esp

[X] EveryBody Golf.esp

[X] ColtM1911.esp

[X] RailwayRifleNewVegas.esp

[X] Homemade Grenades.esp

[X] EWO.esp

[X] PimpMyScarf_v2.esp

[X] PimpMyScarf.esp

[X] NRCberets.esp

[X] SS Officer Uniform.esp

[X] AG All-Purpose Science Suit 100.esp

[X] Savior Armor.esp

[X] Dark Justice Duster.esp

[X] Free Tribal Outfits.esp

[X] Halo Armor.esp

[X] Halo Armor - Female.esp

[X] courierpowerarmor.esp

[X] 1st Recon Ranger Gear.esp

[X] FaithOutfit.esp

[X] AL Black Corsetry and Blanc dress.esp

[X] PowerSuitSystem.esp

[X] DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp

[X] DragonskinBonusPack.esp

[X] Road Warrior's Armor.esp

[X] Warhammer40kv1.3.esp

[X] MantisZeroSuit_ForNV.esp

[X] Spawn Armor.esp

[X] I am ROBOT_NV_version.esp

[X] Classic Tesla Metal Armor.esp

[X] AirForceArmorT57C.esp

[X] JRougeRangerCoats4Loot.esp

[X] Leather Trench Coat NV v1.0.esp

[X] ApocalypticArmor.esp

[X] Tribal T-51b Helmet.esp

[X] VegasOutfits.esp

[X] Blackrock Mesa Outfit.esp

[X] Final Stand - Prove your Worth 2.esp

[X] YangtzeBunkerPlayerHomeV1_3.esp

[X] T51b-Manual.esp

[X] Silverpeak Bunker.esp

[X] enclaveradio.esp

[X] brahmin-variant.esp

[X] Existence2.0.esp

[X] Sprint Mod.esp

[X] CHEMS - Benches.esp

[X] CHEMS - Basic Chems.esp

[X] BLTC NV.esp

[X] BLTC NV Immersion Patch.esp

[X] Collectible Canteens.esp

[X] SCAMP - Scrapping Clutter And Making Parts.esp

[X] Recipe-MiniNuke.esp

[X] TheUltimateGhostOverhaul.esp

[X] KerberosPanzer.esp

[X] coc.esp

[X] dragonsbreathammo.esp

[X] GARU.esp

[X] Grave_Digger_v021.esp

[X] FixedUpAtomicWranglerApartment.esp

[X] Level 60 Cap.esp

[X] LFox Magic Fingers Perk.esp

[X] BetterLoadingText.esp

[X] Euclids_C_Finder_activated.esp

[X] AndTheLawWon.esp

[X] gameoveryeah.esp

[X] Fun with Karma NV.esp

[X] WeAllGoTogether.esp

[X] KillableKids_E.esp

[X] LFox Archimedes The Nuke.esp

[X] nocol.esp

[X] Caesars armor.esp

[X] HoldoutBallisticFist.esp

[X] gobi.esp

[X] You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen.esp

[X] Better Casinos.esp

[X] NCR Doggy Buddies.esp

[X] Better Binoculars High.esp

[X] aaaJNFSniperZooming.esp

[X] Bennys Lucky Suit.esp

[X] Vault11TurretFix.esp

[X] Boomer Flightsuit +10 Explosive.esp

[X] NoCompLimit.esp

[X] Destruction.esp

[X] KillingKarmaFix.esp

[X] PA Footsteps.esp

[X] RemainsOfChampions30.esp

[X] headgearfix.esp

[X] WhetStoneRepair.esp

[X] BOSAlphaBunker.esp

[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

[X] PipBoyLightx2.esp

[X] Project13 - Populated Wasteland.esp

[X] Companion Neutrality Act.esp

[X] ExtendedNVRadio.esp

[X] RiaAmmoNPC.esp

[X] EnclaveCommander.esp

[X] ShilohDS-Color Maps and Icons.esp

[X] shadysandsshuffle LONG TIME FREAKOUT.esp

[X] Brotherhood Steel Charok Fort.esp

[X] NukaColaQuantum-WTFAT.esp

[X] WilderWasteland_SAC.esp

[X] JNinjas.esp

[X] JNinjasNinjasComeBack.esp

[X] AndyRaulFix.esp

[X] MisterSandmanFix.esp

[X] Free Play after MQ.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor-Easier Stealth.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp

[X] IDreamOfElectricSheep.esp

[X] KerberosPanzer-AdvancedReconGear.esp

[X] wsexInnuendoAnims.esp

[X] wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp

[X] cortexscrambler_sexualinnuendo.esp

[X] RWKNV.esp

[X] Fallout 1 and 2 ambient musics v0.1.esp

[X] Tactical Weapon Pack.esp

[X] T-45d Black-Ops PA.esp

[X] Batman_Catwoman.esp

[X] Plasma Beam.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp

[X] UnconsciousLooting.esp

[X] NVR - Extra Actions Toggle - Crouch.esp

[X] NVR - Lock Kicking.esp

[X] NVR - Lock Bombing.esp

[X] Companion Sandbox Mode.esp

[X] Leveled Lists Fix.esp

[X] Nuka Cola Cans.esp

[X] MyVegasBar.esp

[X] AsharasLightningItems_ForNV.esp

[X] NewVegasBounties.esp

[X] Distant Gunfire Sound Fix V2.0 - Machienzo.esp

[X] More Perks Update.esp

[X] Brahmin Bess.esp

[X] Wasteland Defense.esp

[X] populatedcasino-light.esp

[X] t3bbarmor.esp

[X] bloodmess.esp

[X] FPT EDE Version 3.esp

[X] Animated Prostitution.esp

[X] Psychoelfs Veronica shojo.esp

[X] psychoelfs cass shojo black hair.esp

[X] Mercy Killing Karma v2.0.esp

[X] Nevada Skies.esp


I use a merged patch to keep everything playing nice together, but for some reason, even if I just go straight to Nipton after the game starts, via a bit of fast-travel to the RTS-Brahmin location, Swanick, and Vulpes, don't spawn. Boxcars is in his spot, and the four recruits and the two mongrels are present as well. The recruits run back and forth all over the place, but no matter what I do, Oliver and Vulpes don't spawn, making a few quests impossible to even receive. I used FNVedit to check if anything was messing with the spawn points, but haven't found anything yet. Any idea what's going on?

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Wow! I have to believe 200+ mods in play together is a record of some kind. I recommend to disable 100, see if the problem is fixed, then disable another 50, etc. With a small number of tests, you can probably narrow it down to a group of 10 mods which may be causing the problem. Then ask if these 10 are really essential to you.
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Haha, I'll try it out and see what happens. I probably have just enough mods active to start causing problems. I'll clean out what I don't need, then go for it again. That's the problem with so many great modders active, though; you find too many mods that are too good to pass up on. D:



Edit: 193 plugins now. Time to test a bit.

Edited by FlyingHigh10000000
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Ugh, I can't figure out what the problem is. I would edit my last post, but that would make it look like I just didn't have anything else to say on this subject after the last one. I'm using 193 plugins, including ESMs, with a merged patch to top them off. I've looked in FNVedit, and can't find anything that mentions Oliver Swanick or Vulpes Inculta, much less their spawn points. It's like they just decided not to show up. I'll keep trying different things, but if anyone else has had this problem, I'd appreciate any ideas.
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Okay, it's definitely not something requiring a reinstall. After disabling every mod, and running the game alone, that jerk Vulpes Inculta spawned, and I got into a gunfight with only a cowboy hat on, since all of my current armor is modded in. :D


I'm slowly moving through my mod list to find out what the problem is. If I can pinpoint it to a specific mod, maybe I can find out why it's doing this.


Deleted enough mods that I have less than 100 total plugins, including ESMs, and I noticed that for some reason even the Powder Ganger guy that guards the door doesn't spawn, either. I got rid of anything that might be a problem mod, and plan on starting a new game, and not just loading a vanilla quickstart save from the start.

Edited by FlyingHigh10000000
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Alright, so it's getting late here, meaning I won't have time to reinstall until sometime tomorrow, or later, what with the holidays keeping me busy. Let my experience be a lesson. Test the game after any mod you install, and either keep track of what files are modified, or use FOMM to install everything, so it can be fixed if you eff up like I did.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you found what mod caused the problems?


I have the exact same problem, and have had it in the last 2 or 3 playthroughs. I end up using the console to spawn Vulpes.


This is my mod list:


FOOK - New Vegas.ESM



Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

New Vegas Redesigned.esm

Level Cap 100.esp

CONELRAD 640-1240.esp



Free Play after MQ.esp


FotN Fix.esp





Brahmin Bess.esp

WME - FOOK.esp

Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

Wasteland Defense.esp





Total active plugins: 23

Total plugins: 23

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