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All new Music Set


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Ok I dislike Oblivion music so after reading something I fund out how easy it was to change the songs so to test it I changed all the music into 1 of my favorites games Valkyrie Profile it turned out Ok but the downs were I didn’t have much variety on some occasions so I decided to get all the greatest soundtracks I can get for difference occasions (mainly games soundtracks)


Example- Putting Final Fantasy VII intro on Oblivion intro.


Battle (when u fight)

1)Elemental Tactician (Castlevania Lament of Innocence)

2)Final Fantasy IX Boss Battle Theme

3)Castlevania Rencarnation (Castlevania Lament of Innocence)

4)Turn over a new leaf (Valkyrie Profile)

5)Final Fantasy XIII Battle theme song

6)Termina Field Battle Theme (Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask)

7)Force ur Way (Castlevania Lament of Innocence)

8 )Chronno Cross battle theme

Some of these will be changed since some of them dont go prety well with the game.


Explore (when u on the map)

1)Zelda II Map theme

2)Dream of Shore bordering (Chronno Cross, Map)

3)Termira Field (The legend of Zelda Majora's mask)

4)Bond of Seas and fire (Xenogears map Theme)

5)Ocean ( The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker)

6)Wasteland of far aways places (Legend of Legaia)

7)Adventorous Journey (Suikoden II)

I will be changin 1, 4,5 ,6 the other sound good for me :P


Dungeon (inside; dungeons, cave, etc.)

1)Ice Cavern ( Final Fantasy IX)

2)Predule of the black Abyss (Castlevania Lament of Innocence)

3)Prison of Eternal Tortue (Castlevania Lament of Innocence)

4)Wandering Ghost (Castlevania Symphony of the Night)

5)The door to the Abyss (Symphony of the Night)

This is almost perfec Castlevania Spooky Tracks are great for dungeons so unless i found something better this will remains.


Public ( In towns, castles etc)

1)Valhala (Valkyrie Profile)

2)Frontier Village Dali ( Fianl Fantasy 8 )

3)The road to Glory and prosperity ( Valkyrie Profile)

4)In Water , air and light (Valkyrie Profile)

5)Home Village Alny (Chrono Cross)

This set got some problems The Tracks are good but Some Songs are for big places and some for small towns or villages so i will be making a coding to play X song in X places and add Uniques Tracks for Every Big City , 3 tracks for every small village and 1 for every INN in the game



When u die) Mario Bros death

When u Lv Up)The key to singing the praise of victory (Valkyrie Profile Victory Theme)

Intro)Pirate of the Caribean Themesong

Ok the mario 1 is a mod i downloaded same with the Intro but i will be only changing the death even thoug i like it alot it ruin the mod of the game, and the intro of pirate of the caribean is great so no need to change it.


I will be using this format so u can see what Soundtracks I will be using on what.

I was making it for my personal use but then I though some people would like it.

For now I will need suggestions of Soundtrack Good enough to put on oblivion I got some of my own but my likings is not everybody else likings.

In the Future I will make a coding that let Specifically soundtrack play all towns, Dungeons and parts of the map (I don’t know how to code but I guess if I read about it I may get to do it or in latest case ask for someone helps to do it) and cover all the places in dungeons.



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The LOTR soundtrack has a lot of good exploration and dungeon music. It has some good battle music, too, but the problem is that one track (like the Moria one) often has more than one type in it.
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I actualy downloaded that mod but when i downloaded it only had 3 song for battles and were 3 versions of the Helm deep Attack ( I believe that the one they put on helm deep)

But im a big fan of Rpgs games so this is why I mainly making it like that .

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Some old Tiberian Sun and Red Alert tracks (Snake, Face The Enemy 1 & 2)


Some custom tracks from TESSource.


Some battle songs from Painkiller.


A few from Silent Hill game series.


It's a shame I cannot zip these said games' MP3s and upload it to TESSource without getting in trouble..

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You can certainly make a list of the various pieces of music you're using here as a recommendation to other people (without links to download them obviously, as you stated in your post). ^^ However, including those songs in a mod is illegal, and will result in the mod being removed from most websites (including this one). So you can make the mod for personal use yes, but you can't distribute it.
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Can you distribute a mod that is set up to use external music, but doesn't include it?


That sounds like distributing an apple box without any apples in it.


I dont see whats bad in that. Sounds more like a "sugestion list" to me though.

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