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It snowed a lot here in Italy, even here in Rome (which is like the old snowball's chance...), and the corrupt and inefficient road emergency services were so inept that some people were trapped for 20 hours in their cars on the highways. :wallbash:
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Oh, we've had tons of snow, pretty much the whole country will be getting a white Christmas. While I enjoy it, some people aren't quite as happy because many trains are being canceled, flights are delayed and the situation on the roads is difficult due to the amount of snow that has fallen. My boyfriend has troubles feeling that Christmas cheer, he's is a part-time firefighter and grumbles evilly at all the road accidents caused by inept drivers who insist on mounting cheap Chinese snow tyres on their cars. :/
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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

My garden this night. Forecast says it should be like this for the next 3 days




Talking about cheap Chineese tyres. We just got some good old Michelin. Double speed and better safety.

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The Clock is Ticking. 3 more days and nights. Did someone from Australia read, "I put an Evil Spell on you all." It sure would be spooky if someone had missed the white snow of their memories of Xmas where they lived now and the story because of it sneaky trick caused their dark hearts to brighten again.


ooooOOOOoooooooOOOOOOoooowee...You are now entering, "The Santa Light Zone"


I hope you get a little Snow for Xmas, where ever you may be. Only a touch where it wouldn't be advisable though.


Smiling as Evil wonder crosses my Christmas thoughtful mind..."Will the one with the darken heart who got their Xmas spirit back Please take a bow!"

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We in all right now have a good 4-6 feet of snow still setting on the snow banks. Its kind of annoying when driving, having to look over the snow banks to if there is a car coming. Kind of dangerous.


They are Huge.

Edited by Thor.
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