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DirectX 11 possibilities


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I think DX 11 is a very big possibility, i found a tech5 engine tech demo that shows off its dx11 capabilities. Scratch that..




Found here



Hold on i think not, i have to do some more research on the subject, redirects me to think other wise.


Wiki interesting, may become open source soon.




I'm trying to find its capabilities. May have to look around a bit, update coming soon.


Sorry if this seems to nonsense but i am trying to see if there is anything on the engine itself other then trailers of games.

Here is a Doom 4 screenshot using the Tech5 engine.


May come up with some more info tomorrow, Oh so secret this engine is. :whistling:


The one thing i do remember about doom 3 it required a lot of memory to run it smoothly. May be the same with the new engine. But there was no lag as far as i remember.


Here is a demo i found, still looking around.




Oh one more thing "Flashbacks" i do recall Doom 3 to be VERY mod able, texture mods enhancements was very do able. Well anything was do able really.


There used to be a site dedicated to it, but i can't seem to find it



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Here is a Doom 4 screenshot using the Tech5 engine.


May come up with some more info tomorrow, Oh so secret this engine is. :whistling:




That's just a screenshot from the XBox version of Doom 3. :confused: I don't think there are any Doom 4 shots anywhere. So far the only id Tech 5 images have been from Rage.

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Better special effects so to speak, more detail in game, water may look very realistic with waves crashing and stuff, you name it.


Crysis for example was the first to pull it off.

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Yea i will post some if i come across them.


Its amazing what you find online, found one possible Doom 4 screenshot.


Not sure how legit it is. Not to mention old.




lol i do recall it being announced in 2005, so the engine isn't all that new.




I saw this screenshot back then but not on gamespot.


Hmmm rage isn't going to use dx 10, this might be a sign. Still looking.



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  • 2 months later...
Would really like to know if the game will be DirectX 11 or not, until now, there´s still no reason to buy a D11 card...
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I had Just Cause 2 and i was told that it needed a DX11 Card, my Gefeorce 260 doesent have DX11 compatible, so i bet Batman Arkham City is gonna be DX11 Compatible Only and im gonna get me a 570 Graphics Card.


One Question though, will Skyrim Force me to get a Geforce 580 or Higher Graphics Card when maybe a DX12 comes out.

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Look at Dirt 2 chaps. It support DX9 for people who has mediocre PC and support mouth droppin DX 11 for Higher end GPUs.


Also Bad Company 2, it supports both DX 10 and DX 11.


Knowing Beth Studio i think it IS likely they make DX 9/10/11 if thats possible.


Offside Note: Maybe the release date has somethin to do with it? 11.11.11? =P

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