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Max number of mods


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The fact about this flexible maximum number of mods should be pinned in red lighting letters on every download pop-up ;)


Spend the last two nights with this problem, until I found this thread to back up my therory :thumbsup:


Darn, now I have to start selecting (156 seems to be my maximum) ;)

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  • 4 months later...

This is 100% real. I was having the same EXACT problems, and I tried everything, reinstalling, one by one compatibility testing and none of it worked, the only thing that did was bringing the amount of checked off Mods to 139. Anything above it, starts producing those problems the OP mentioned.


So many people have this problem, and it seems its not officially recognized. Let me just repeat for the confused people who dont seem to get it...... this is NOT a mod compatibility problem, no amount of meticulous checking for problems with the mods themselves will fix this.


It seems to be a bug within the game itself. I never had this problem with Fallout 3 , Oblvion or Morrowind

Edited by LenaMarie
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This problem is legit on Oblivion also; I've tried it with several setups. Sometimes textures will be fine until I change cells and then they'll start disappearing. Not only will I be missing textures (as if my bsa files are not registering correctly) but after reaching a certain number of mods the game will start CTDing right after loading a saved game. I'm at 236 active mods (esp/esm) and 102 virtually active with Wrye Bash and things seem to be okay, but if I have 1 or 2 more active mods I'll start experiencing the above problems.


From reading this post and one or two others, I suspect that the limit it is not just dependant on the number of mods but the size of the database that the game engine has to work with, which may have to do with the game engine's programming limitations or my RAM, which at 4GB seems like 'plenty' for Oblivion (I do use the 4GB patcher to make use of the RAM).


I am interested in learning about how to merge mods safely (so that they can still work with Wrye Bash) and whether it is useful to convert bsa files to data folders because somewhere I read that the number of bsa files adds toward the 'limit' too. Thanks for any replies

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Read somewhere long ago from people experimenting the same issue and they found the engine "sees" all the esm/esp, active or inactive... to worsen things it is able to identify the file by metatags/MIME, is not enough to rename or change the extension... if not enough it seen to find them wherever in the folder structure, meaning creating a backup folder inside the install folder may create problems when the number of mods increases.


At least for testing purposes and to confirm or refute that find, the advice is removing all non used ESP/ESM from the install directory and it's subfolders.

Edited by nosisab
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Here's a helpful hint from the experts. Note there are versions of Wrye Flash for Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 NV and I would assume you can use the ghost feature with them:


The 256 (hex FF) mod limit is one of 2 limits you may run into with mods - the other one is the total number of mods, activated or not, in your data folder. It seems that the game looks at all of the mods in the data folder on starting, and decides whether to load them or not. If the total reaches a particular number somewhere over 400 it will crash. The easiest way to deal with this is to move any unused mods out of the data folder. Or, if you use Wrye Bash, activate the ghosting feature which hides unused mods from the game.


Auto-Ghost (from Wrye Bash documentation)


• Background: The Oblivion game engine has a bug which causes performance problems when the number of mods in the Oblivion\Data directory is larger than 300-350 (roughly). (Note that this count includes inactive mods. You would think that Oblivion wouldn't waste time reading inactive mods, but in fact it does. :shrug:)


• Ghosting: To get around this problem, Bash allow you to "ghost" inactive mods. Mods are ghosted simply by adding the extension ".ghost" to their name, and unghosted by removing that extension. If you activate Auto-Ghost, Bash will do ghost and unghost mods depending on whether they are active or not. Activating or deactivating a mod will immediately cause it to ghost/unghost as needed.

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The only problem is at least, I myself dont have 200 mods or more sitting around in my folder, i have about 150 or so, only 139 active and 11 sitting around unchecked for the Bash patch.. So Im sure Im not near any mentioned limits, there must be something else that causes this specific issue.


Also if I add more unused esps/esms to my folder, so that the amount of files goes into the 200s range, the game continues to function fine so long as the checked amount of files remains at 139 or less.

Edited by LenaMarie
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just ran in to this myself. Wandered here after doing some googling to see if my total number of mods could be the issue.


In my case I run into the issue if I go past 140 mods. After that, I get many of the same issues mentioned here - esc key being nonfunctional, dropped textures and meshes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same issue, my max is around 145. I try to keep things around 138 by merging plug-ins to play it safe.


For anyone who thinks this issue isn't 'real,' I spent hours troubleshooting it a couple of months back and only found this thread today. Indeed, no matter what mod was loaded, once I went over the ~145 limit my game went haywire. I tested this limit on completely different set-ups with mods I knew to be stable and compatible with bashed patches and merged patches as well as customized merged esps. I did full install refreshes using Wrye Flash and I disabled texture packs to see if it was a RAM issue. No, it has to do with the number of esp/esms loaded. I can still have the same number of mods loaded in my game by creating merged esps with compatible mods, and everything works great. This is what I would suggest to people experiencing the issue.

Edited by xaliqen
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I ha ve the same prb that describes isabelxxx, but with Total active plugins: 49

Total plugins: 49





Correctif - FalloutNV.esm


Correctif - DeadMoney.esm


Correctif - HonestHearts.esm


Correctif - OldWorldBlues.esm

Correctif Compatibilite - DeadMoney HonestHearts.esm










Maison de Goodsprings.esp




Remove That Glove - NV.esp

Better Burned Man.esp



25mm C-10 Canister Rifle Mark VI.esp






FO3 Pack d'armes.esp

Patriote NV.esp






Project13 - Populated Wasteland.esp







Level Cap 100.esp




Like her : pipboy readius that disappears, or dark shadows in Mojave, for example.


I believe to find the origin of prb (I'm on a 64 bits system, with 16 Go RAM).

Report here : http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/295108-3gb-fallout-nv-enabler-plus-endorsements/page__view__findpost__p__3626374

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