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TES V, Multiplayer?



179 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want TES V to have multiplayer?

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Your efforts prove it can be partially done, not completely...

And another thing: in Skyrim, you will have to interact with Quest Givers to get their quests. Only generic dialogue is radiant... :)


And a third thing: Even though Oblivion is singeplayer, doesn't mean you have to sit alone in your basement to play it. It's like... Amnesia - you can play it with others on your own game, which is actually quite a lot of fun (ask Dark0ne^^).

Of course, Morrowind was more fun to play with friends than Oblivion, since you had to actually figure things out there, and then it was cool to be two or more, as we would figure out things together. In Oblivion, everything is already figured out before you even get a quest... :P


Your accusation that he sits alone in his basement is more offensive and immature than whatever he accused you for...


By the way, is OblivionGATE even legal?

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I LOLed. :teehee:


Now that you mention it Zaldiir I agree. I used to play Morrowind at my friends house all the time with 2 pcs. We would run back and forth trying to do things or making mods for each other to try out. For some reason doing that on Oblivion never happened or would have seemed as much fun.


I hope they can bring back that in Skyrim and make the game a little less, as you say, figured out. :yes:

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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The last few posts were removed because it was believed that they contained some intention toward derailing this thread. If you don't have proof of wrong doing, do not make public accusations. Better yet, don't make public accusations even if you have proof. Anything further about this publicly will not end well.
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I had to vote "yes, and no." Although, I've never thought that response made any sense. "Perhaps," or even "maybe" makes much more sense. Anyway, I've often thought it would make a fantastic online multiplayer... ideally. If players could stick with basic stat and level ups without all the uber stuff, cheats, etc. It might be o.k. Going online with it would just cheapen the whole thing. I noticed the same thing in games like HL2. I loved playing HL2. But, online you've got people jumping around like they're in space and moving around in super-sonic speeds. Online play always just has a way of making all the in-game movements look dumb. All that, excluding all the cheating and hammed up game play that everyone would end up doing. I suppose "co-op" could be interesting as far as not having the problem with competition, etc. However, it might still end up looking like HL2's "Synergy" mod, if you've ever seen that...


All I can say is, done right, I think it would be a heck of a lot of fun and a great idea... done wrong, it's going to equal stupid looking graphics and people stepping all over the Elder scrolls the same way they did most all the others. i.e. Visually, Crysis was a lot of fun offline. Online? Crap. Looked like it, played like it.

Edited by Goodfortitude
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Ohhhhhhh but guys think about it!!!


You and your friend doing quest together...He the hunta..You tha warrior...


Killing bosses,leveling together...But wait....Online multiplayer would destroy Construction Set ?


Because then you could make your own mod that others dont see and then they would see just yellow question mark instead of ur armor?


When i think a little multiplayer may be bad....But it would be nice if there is single player and lan playing...Like in school...Orrr in ur house with ur brother :D


Yea that works for nah ^^

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i for one deffenitly dont want multiplayer its hard to make a disc game have an amazing storyline amazing graphics fighting ect. if you are trying to make good online think about black ops or other call of duties their online is so focused on that thier campaing is awful and im buying skyrim so i can play an AMAZING rpg not a midiocre rpg
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