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Mod idea: Bringing the Reaver class from Dragon age(or something simlar) to skyrim


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After playing Through DA:I i realised how damn fun it was to play a life-stealing badass. And so, after playing for about 100 hours i returned to skyrim only to realize i there was no option to become a "reaver" or anything like it. And i truly hate playing as a vampire so i tossed the idea of a vampire playthrough out the window. And now im wondering if there is a mod like that or if someone would be willing to make an attempt at making a mod like it. And i know Nexusmods really dislike it when people take ideas/copyrighted material from other games and implement them into skyrim, but im unsure if this is considered stealing or not. This could become a very decent mod if handled properly


But i do realise Skyrim's engine is very limited and i really dont see Dragon rage becoming a possibility any time soon. But everything else, like Devour, Terrifying Fury, Fervor, Blood Frenzy, Rampage, and Torret of pain


So, lets go deeper into the diffrent abilites and passive buffs.

Devour: Pretty self explanatory, Steal a chunk of health and stagger a target, gets stronger and steals more hp based on missing health. Very useful in fights with slow-hitting targets.

Terrifying Fury(Passive): Critical strikes causes fear, also boosts critical strike chance by 15%(Skyrim has no cunning stat, so i changed it into critical chance based of base cunning stat(10) plus 3 which adds up to 13% crit chance. Could be extremely strong, may need rebalancing for Skyrim.

Blood Frenzy: +5% damage for every 10% health missing. Damage may have to boosted up to 15% which least to a maximum of 149.9% damage boost at 1hp. A high-risk high reward type of ability since low hp in skyrim is very prone to getting instakilled, and unless you run Death alternative with the option for followers to fight while youre knocked out they youre pretty much going to die unless you are fighting less than 3 enemies.

Rampage: Basically Elemental Fury with additional life-steal, very long cooldown/activatable after dealing a certain amount of damage. (Rampage uses a focus-meter system that increases based on damage dealt)

Torrent of pain: A sort of Guardian Circle spell from vanilla skyrim that deals damage over time to anyone within range. Also buffs Devour by lowering its stamina cost and cooldown.

Edited by AsuRigadudu
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Vampires are skyrim's reavers (blood magic, increased power through blood consumption etc)

I dont exactly see the connection. Reavers get power through pain, not blood. They only regain health through tearing flesh from an opponent to sustain themselves, this ability is from my knowledge, not magic. The blood drain in skyrim however is magical, it is also cast from some distance away while a reaver needs to get into melee range in order to steal health. Also, the closest thing to blood magic in skyrim is actually necromancy since both requires human sacrifice(like blood magic rituals in Dragon age) and both are to some degree taking over the minds of something, whether its dead or alive. You dont exactly see vampires in skyrim growing giant claws on their hands to tear people's faces off.

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They only regain health through tearing flesh from an opponent to sustain themselves

So, drain health enchantment on a two handed weapon that is being used by an orc?

You can make a war hammer with fear, or health drain or other stuff.

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  • 4 months later...

I'd like to see an Reaver mod for Skyrim too. Although I think it shouldn't be based on DA:I only (the skills have changed during the series).

What definetly should be included is becoming a reaver due drinking (ritually prepared) dragon blood.


Abilities included could (in my opinion should) be:

Devour (either consuming health from living enemies or corpses (DA:O))

Ring of Pain/Aura of Pain

Blood Frenzy

Dragon Rage


I think being a reaver fits Skyrim and being the dragonborn pretty well, since the original source of the reavers power is the dragon blood consumed.

So just as a little extra drinking more dragon blood gives you more power of some sort, this would give you a cause to hunt dragons.


Reavers technicaly use blood magic (power is obtained by blood magic), but are no mages. There direct source of power in combat is pain. (The more pain the stronger the reaver is)


Reavers also don't necessarily use a 2handed weapon, double wield was also a good choice (DA:O only), since the reaver has also a minor focus on agility (if I'm not mistaken)


Just enchanting your gear and/or being an vampire doesn't make you a reaver. So I don't think vampires are the reavers of skyrim.


So any idea who could make such a mod?

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