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New vegas dlc


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well, there is a DLC in progress, but as of now, it is supposed to be for xBox 360 (though it will probably also be for the PC, probably at a later time)


but it takes time to make these DLCs, and they probably won't work on more than one at a time, so don't expect to hear about more than one right not


oh, and if you want to search, the DLC is called Dead Money :)

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I thought that this was "Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting", not "Fallout New Vegas Troubleshooting?" If you have questions about those games, then can you please ask on the related forum sections for those games? This is for Oblivion. Not Fallout. I know that I am not a moderator or anything, but it is very annoying for some users like me. I mean no offense by any means, nor do I mean any disrespect.


Thanks :)



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oh, well, didn't notice this at first, but Elsarian is correct

this should be in the Fallout New Vegas forum, maybe on the general discussion, or something


however, i also have an update

here in Israel, it's now the 22nd of December, and yesterday, the new FO:NV DLC, Dead Money, was released

you should go to Youtube, and search for a gameplay video of it (or a walkthrough), just to watch what they did

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