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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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If Valve doesn't put the kaibosh on this, which they probably won't because they're evil money-grubbing f*#@ers who don't give a s*** about gamers and haven't since 2007 when they decided to just refuse to work on the promised Episode 3 (and yes, it was promised), the only way to kill this is to make the pay-for workshop unusable.




This guy has the right idea.


1) Release mods that seem functional, but carry 'logic bombs' in them that corrupt and destroy save games when you try to remove it, or do something like contain script timers with no stoppages so they eventually bloat and make the game unstable.


2) Create fake mods that seem amazing, but are locked in some fashion until the 24 hour 'refund' timer elapses. Tie it to endgame content, or simply put an in-game timer that locks it. People who are buying on the Workshop are probably not familiar with the console and Creation Kit. When they access the content, they find out that it's one really neat area where you took your screenshots, and then a few rooms of untextured, half-assed garbage.


3) Maliciously hand out reviews that make the 'popularity' rating put garbage, terrible ripoff mods at the top. Good mods should be downvoted by EVERYONE to sink them in the list. s*** mods like the one I linked should be sent to the top.


If we fill the pay-for Workshop with terrible game-ruining content, it undermines all faith anyone has in the system, and customers will be turned away from it. Valve will have to deal with the fallout of people's games being corrupted by shitty modding, and the 'modders' run away with the cash.


Sometimes the only way to fight evil is with evil.


some of that sounds good but I'm : \ at doing stuff like that and taking peoples money...

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They also give a reason for the $400 revenue.. it costs them each time they transfer funds so they decided it's only worth transferring payouts of $100 or more, and beyond that you only get paid out on the 30th of the month so if for example you had a $98 payout on the 30th and it pushed over to $100 on the 31st you apparently won't see any of that until the next pay cycle... Seems more trouble then it's worth personally.


I don't understand why you quote me there as I have not talked about that part of the deal in my post at all. I was merely referencing the 25/75 distribution.


Anyways, while this $400 revenue thing has some logic behind it, imagine the absurdity of having a bunch of mods uploaded that are just barely under the $400 barrier.


You, as an author, could have three mods that have earned you/them 3 X $399 and not see a penny of it. So, on top of the $897,75 they are keeping period, they are withholding $299,25 that should be yours, for a month maybe longer, maybe period. Of course this is a theoretic worst case scenario but it is entirely possible to have mods never surpassing the payout zone.


There should be a possibility to force a payout even below $100, even if there was a fee for that. Of course, them keeping 75% already this would be unethical still, but not as absurd as not getting ANY of that money ever...........................

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Sorry big that was an oversight on my part... I was posting in reply to you and sorta changed what I was saying and forgot to remove the quote.

Edited by Arocide
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I sent an email to Jeff Bezos asking him to create a competitor to Steam. Amazon already has a video library client, it's only a matter of time before they look at gaming, if they aren't already. More people showing interest might make Jeff more serious about this.


This is not because of modders, this is because of Valve's reputation they have built up of being really horrible to people. The only reason people still use Steam is because of sales. Soon as a big company like Amazon comes into the fray offering the same or better sales but coupling it with great customer service and feedback, game over for Steam. And I would love to see Gabe have to finally take his huge stacks of cash and just keep away from other people's interests. Just go vacation for life dude, leave the rest of humanity alone.

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