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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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I am sure someone will nickpick that i should not speak since i really do not use nexus much, while i had downloaded a few mods i am really ashamed to admit i forget to say thank you those i looked at and found good though i guess on the flipside i don't complain either :ermm:

I will do my first step to fix it by saying thank you to every modder on here. While i am not one to really use mods a lot i fully understand it take time and effort and i am amazed at some of the things i seen. To one like myself who can not script or even do models then some mods been outright mindblowing. Since this mess started i even more find it amazing. I am really sorry i had been unable to donate even the slightest too. Without going into detail ..real life situation and online payment.

Anyway this new direction make no sense what so ever to me, not because i do not feel modders should not get thanks or donations but because this is treating mods like some DLC which is supported by the game devs and it is not. Mods are bound to glitch out, stop working if game updated (talking about games in general and not just skyrim) and might not work other mods. Atleast you can be ensured DLC work each other and is supported. It futhermore as been said put those payed mod into the buisness world and expectation it bring. As soon money get into the picture understanding and patience will fly out of the window a lot more.

To those tossing 'Entiltement' around and would call me entitled for expecting a modder to 'work' free then i will turn it around, is it not Entiltement to expect a hobby to get payed and if not where is the line drawn between hobbies and work. I could even go as far and cheesy to say Gaming is work and i am entilted to payement too, all those bug hunting, all those beta testing and hey i might be beta testing a mod too. Where do the line get drawn when we start to look it this way?.

We not talking about modders who group together and make a real company to drive a buisness if you get my meaning. Until then it little hard to call it work seriously. I hope this end so we all can get along and you all maintain your love for the hobbies that countless of people do value even if we do not always say thanks in the hurry.

Edited by star2316
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just noticed Helsmyrr Village has gone missing from nexus and one of the modders other mods has appeared on steam,whats the best way to deal with this,uninstall the mod or just keep the version I've got.just feel the need to do something about this.unless of course the modders going to put his mods over on steam for free ?

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This is hot potatoes and hot tempers.. There is no quick answer I'm afraid, just more questions.


However here's my humble opinion:


Making mods is definitely a hobby. An obsessive, time consuming, live divorcing, socially destructive one, but absolutely a hobby!


So should I get paid for my obsession? Is my obsession "generous" and therefore deserving of money?


Well here's the thing.. many moons ago some people made mods for morrowind. They in turn inspired people to make mods for Oblivion, who in turn inspired peeps to make mods for skyrim.. everyone built upon the work and advice of others before them. But did those people get paid? No because it was a hobby. I think if someone spends a 1000 hrs making a mod, well, that's because they're an obsessive and they want perfection, but it doesn't mean they're deserving of coin. Modding is not a job. Don't get me wrong, if someone wants to donate, great. But to put a price upon a creation that has been inspired or supported by many great Modders is wrong in my opinion.

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just noticed Helsmyrr Village has gone missing from nexus and one of the modders other mods has appeared on steam,whats the best way to deal with this,uninstall the mod or just keep the version I've got.just feel the need to do something about this.unless of course the modders going to put his mods over on steam for free ?


If you enjoy the mod, then there is no reason to uninstall. The author won't know if you do or not. The best way to show you don't support the paid mods is simply not buying them (unless people have come up with a better idea?). There's also a petition somewhere you can sign.

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I am not happy with it, but what goes on on the STEAM forum is beyond believe .... Really I am ashamed that I was a part of that community. Vent your opinion ok however death threads against modders and the rage against them. Over here there are also some incidents however in a whole it is a bit more civilized (I hope).

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I would simply like to point out two big-big-big loopholes of the whole system.


1. No one prevents you from downloading a mod from Nexus or that-other-site-that-is-not-meant-to-be-mentioned, and then uploading it to SteamWorkshop, claiming you made it. It has already been done when mods were free, and now thieves can profit from this too. Indeed, many people on Nexus have already hid their mods and modders resources because of this.


2. No one prevents you from buying a mod, copying the data files to an other folder, "unbuying the mod" (asking for refund), then copying the data files back. Hell, that same person could even upload that mod to a pirate site! As a matter of fact, it's already happening. Hell, someone might as well make physical copies of these pirated mods, and sell them for money on CDs and such. Who is going to prevent such an abuse? No one!


The fact I heavily oppose the idea of paying for mods (because I'm a greedy cheapskate) is one thing, but this... This system is completely broken. I just presented you two of the many potential loopholes within this broken mockery of a "system". Who is going to prevent people from abusing these two loopholes again? No one!

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just noticed Helsmyrr Village has gone missing from nexus and one of the modders other mods has appeared on steam,whats the best way to deal with this,uninstall the mod or just keep the version I've got.just feel the need to do something about this.unless of course the modders going to put his mods over on steam for free ?


If you enjoy the mod, then there is no reason to uninstall. The author won't know if you do or not. The best way to show you don't support the paid mods is simply not buying them (unless people have come up with a better idea?). There's also a petition somewhere you can sign.


yes I've already signed the petition,also thinking of FO4 and where this could lead

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I've supported some mod authors of some of my most favourite mods in the best way I possibly could. Had it not been for them I definitely would not have stuck with Skyrim for as long as I have. Now greed is being tossed into the mix and it has opened a bunch of cans of worms.

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I am only playing skyrim, never modded for this game. But i mod for other games, and I removed my content at steam workshop today. Luckily it was only one map for Cities Skylines - and this one will stay availlable at ST.

I never earned anything else than nice words for my work, but this was all I ever wanted. Damn, it is nice to see people downloading your stuff, and any comment is better than dirty money. I am not worth 50 cents or one billion dollar, my creativity is part of my playtime, and I share, what I like to see used by others too. And I like the communities I am part of, I like the discussions and the help, and I don´t want to see this ruined by the greed of a big company. Friends can´t be paid for beeing friends.


I dont subscribe a petition to valve, cause I don´t trust them, I never trust someone, who wants to sell me anything. It is their job to make profit out of everything, and they would sell their own mothers and kids, if they would earn money with it. Shame, shame, shame!


I only recommend all modders to leave the steam workshop instead. Dont buy anything there anymore, but tell them, what you think about such an abusive step. We don´t need this kind of game portals. And if Bethesda or Steam will be hacked - I will give a toast then!

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Same i Modded for Rome 2 and iv taken down all my stuff because of this. Its only 5k subs worth of content but its over a years worth of work. And i can totaly see having to pay 200-400$ for decent load orders now for games now. And living on disability this might put PC gaming out of my price range as the only reason i moved over 100% was because mods for PC made PC worth it. Also if 75% was going to the modders and they were selling there stuff for 0.05-.20 cents i would feel alot different about this but even then work shop is a horrible platform for modding.

Edited by Regoso
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