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Oblivion MQ completion time, Favorite Faction


Duration of Oblivion's Main Quest  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. How much time did it took you to finish the main quest the FIRST time through? (from prison cell to defeat of Mehrunes D.)

    • 5-10 hours
    • 11-15 hours
    • 16-20 hours
    • 21-30 hours
    • 31-40 hours
    • 41-60 hours
    • 61-80 hours
    • 81+ hours
    • I have not finished the MQ yet.
  2. 2. Factions

    • What was your favorite faction?
    • Mages Guild
    • Fighters Guild
    • Dark Brotherhood
    • Thieves Guild
    • Order of the Virtuous Blood
    • Arena
    • The Blades / Order of the Dragon
    • Mythic Dawn
    • Other (specify)

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1st series of questions is for the first time you beat the game. What I mean by that is until you finish the Main Quest. Even if you did not complete any factions!


Faction: Simply chose your favorite faction (you can join all of them except perhaps "Other" in Oblivion Vanilla.



Edit: Sorry about puting What was your favorite faction as an answer response... I must of misread or something. It was supposed to be the title ><.


It took me about 60 hours to finish the MQ the first time around.


My favorite faction was the Dark Brotherhood.

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Took me about 50 hours to complete the MQ along with get head of DB and Thieves Guild. After that the game got boring pretty fast.


DB definately the best guild with the most innovative quests. Only the last Thieves Guild quest really touched on it.

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DB definately the best guild with the most innovative quests. Only the last Thieves Guild quest really touched on it.


I agree, for the same reasons. I think the mages guild is the worst guild. Their quests require no magic at all (except for one quest, but that one could be done with the scrolls found in the chest there!) and aren't really interesting either. Thieves guild... well... It's okay I guess. Some quests were nice, some weren't. Fighters guild... I don't know. Can't remember any quests that I think were very good. The arena was a bit repetitive.


The Mythic Dawn was fun, for the time it lasted. :happy: The Order of the Virtuous Blood was okay, gives you a reason to hunt vampires. At the other hand, after a while you have so much money it has no use.

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DB definately the best guild with the most innovative quests. Only the last Thieves Guild quest really touched on it.


I agree with you guys on this one. They really had quests that kept you going. I didnt finish the Thieves Guild yet, perhaps I should do it soon and see if what everybody says about it is true.


I really disliked Fighter Guild. Boring dungeon clearing quests, Follow him, go there, come back, go there again.


On the other hand, I liked the Mages Guild. Especially the Bruma Guild quest. Perhaps because that was the first quest ive seen in Oblivion at friends house (and what convinced me to buy the game).


Mythic Dawn was fun indeed *For Lord Dagon!*. I downloaded a mod that lets you join it after you complete the MQ, but I have yet to complete it with my new character and test it out.

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My first character (or at least, first character with significant playtime) got distracted by the shiny bandits. When I abandoned the game for a space-based (2d) empire-building game, I was level 30+, wandering around something called the Cloud Ruler Temple.


Current character is level 7 or 8, and will head west after a few more City Isle dungeon raids.

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I haven't finished the main quest yet. I have 128 hours on my Nord Mercenary so far. He may complete the main quest but he's not near the end of it yet. He's Master of the Fighter's Guild and a fighter. He's not a mage or thief or assassin so he hasn't joined their guilds.


My first character is at 153 hours. He is high in the Mage's Guild but will never lead it since he's a balanced guy and not a pure mage. I think he might never finish the main quest. He's a Troubador, not a hero.


I haven't had a character join the Dark Brotherhood yet. I think I'll try an evil Altmer mage next. She will probably join the DB.

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I actually only finished the MQ recently (2ice overall). I have, however, completed the DB about 5 times now (after having played on a total of 6 different save-games).

[offtopic]I love the dark brotherhood, and am thus often active on a DB FORUM?[/offtopic]

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