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In response to post #24601529. #24601674, #24601979, #24602179 are all replies on the same post.

FillipeMattos wrote:
visorak wrote: Valve/bethesda's option is making Nintendo's look like a way better deal (still isn't).
Blademaster1215 wrote: Posting a review is not the gaming companies content, it is critique of their content and protected under Fair Use laws, commentated gameplay walkthroughs are under the same protection. Don't eat what certain companies try to feed you.
FillipeMattos wrote: The problem is that youtuber gamer reveal too spoiler.

You are able to watch an entire game on youtube watching all possible spoilers.

Games that look like interactive movies Life is Strange, Beyond: Two Souls (and others) fail to sell because people have seen the whole game in the videos.

Beyond Two Souls didn't sell because it was a bad game.

Life Is Strange didn't sell because it looked boring to most browsers.
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In response to post #24600654. #24600674, #24600714, #24600744, #24600914, #24601069, #24601314, #24601679, #24601744, #24601759, #24602074, #24602134, #24602279, #24602334 are all replies on the same post.

StaciKrash wrote:
Dark0ne wrote: This one?

It's not hidden, it's on their service provider listing at the bottom of this page, which explains how it works. Mod authors select service providers who they think helped them in their modding, and in turn, the service provider gets between 1%-5% of Valve's cut of their profits, depending on how many service providers were picked by the mod author.

So the mod author opts in to it themselves, and the money comes from Valve's cut.
LtRhapthorne wrote: He either needs to make the Nexus paid for (killing it) or remove the Nexus as an option for service provider. Otherwise, he's double dipping.
LtRhapthorne wrote: So you're double dipping?

Why should I believe anything you say?
PickleJar wrote: Why not tell us you're taking a cut right from the get-go?

Shouldn't you have all your cards on the table (and on the table here, on your site, not buried in Valve's legal writings) if you really want to help everyone get through this to a peaceful conclusion?
Blademaster1215 wrote: The Nexus doesn't take a cut from every paid mod. From the way it's worded, Service Providers can be given donations by the modders, but its the modder's choice to give said cut to whichever providers. Unless I'm reading this wrong?
StaciKrash wrote: Thanks a lot for replying, I'm not sure how to react to this tho

EDIT: thinking about I guess it's like the modders are donating instead of paying you, still I'm sure not everyone will see it that way
Eiries wrote: Hm. I guess its not a huge deal on the surface (modders opt in), but I feel any money generated from this scandal is dirty money, and playing any part of it at all is kind of questionable.

Then again it's coming out of Valve's pocket as a community-based "thanks for existing..." I dunno. I'll trust your judgement I suppose.
mznXII wrote: soo...
if modder felt obligated to nexus then
the modder could make steam/valve give nexus 1-5% of their 75%, but
its up to the modder to gave it or not

at least that's what i catch from Dark0ne's post

i hope i interpret it right

and LtRhapthorne, if you could say "Why should I believe anything you(Dark0ne) say?" you shouldn't easily believe what modder from steam/valve have to say too, to be fair

and i'm not intend to start an argument
SolidusEkans wrote: Did the Nexus know this? Were the Nexus also under NDA about this? Have the Nexus made any money out of this yet?
You should make things clear Dark0ne, or people will start to think you're a two faced liar. (I don't, just to be clear)
jediakyrol wrote: nope, that is exactly how it is...Nexus would have gotten a 1~5% cut if Chesko had checked them on his mod... ... ...... ... ...which he apparently didn't...or else it would have said on his mod "Service Providers: NexusMods"
paragonskeep wrote: How would Nexus be "double dipping"?
It is up to the mod author not the Nexus to list the service provider.
WightMage wrote: I too would like a clarification, please.
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: Give the man (Dark0ne) some time to formulate an official statement on the matter. I'm sure he has a lot of stuff to deal with right now. And don't be so hasty to cast judgement and resentment over a situation that literally NONE of us have the clarity of.

This site has stood as a sentinel for modding for many years, and I highly doubt that he's throwing it down the drain with any of this. While we are all part of this wonderful community, Dark0ne is the leader. So give the man a chance, and stop backing him into a fox hole.

... bad move on Chesko's part.
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In response to post #24601529. #24601674, #24601979, #24602179, #24602339 are all replies on the same post.

FillipeMattos wrote:
visorak wrote: Valve/bethesda's option is making Nintendo's look like a way better deal (still isn't).
Blademaster1215 wrote: Posting a review is not the gaming companies content, it is critique of their content and protected under Fair Use laws, commentated gameplay walkthroughs are under the same protection. Don't eat what certain companies try to feed you.
FillipeMattos wrote: The problem is that youtuber gamer reveal too spoiler.

You are able to watch an entire game on youtube watching all possible spoilers.

Games that look like interactive movies, example, Life is Strange, Beyond: Two Souls (and others) fail to sell because people have seen the whole game in the videos.
Blademaster1215 wrote: Beyond Two Souls didn't sell because it was a bad game.

Life Is Strange didn't sell because it looked boring to most browsers.

Wrong, these were not the only cases many good games (focused on stories) fail to sell because the youtubers have explored everything. So there is not more grace in buying the game. Edited by FillipeMattos
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In response to post #24601099. #24601154, #24601174, #24601284, #24601304, #24601504, #24601634, #24601689, #24601769, #24602259 are all replies on the same post.

CiderMuffin wrote:
merrydownjade wrote: I'm getting this too.
MrTrigun wrote: Yeah..same here. Only the big bundle seems to be up.
Blademaster1215 wrote: I did say it a few minutes ago, but it got buried.
AlexandruRadu wrote: Same here guys I guess we won after all
Blademaster1215 wrote: Doubtful, could be a DDoS attack though?
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: I hope we won.
merrydownjade wrote: I wouldn't call this a victory yet.
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: Yeah...

*grasps my Amulet of Talos tightly*
appelpiman wrote: Yep Just checked only the big bundle is up.

The mods are back up, Chesko's is completely gone though afaik. Haven't won yet. Fight the power.
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In response to post #24601904.

TheEyelessWanderer wrote:

still though with these certain people calling him double dipper etc. here it'll be better to withdrawn the service provider thing, or else the same people will start spread rumors that could ruin the good reputations and trusts the nexus had
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In response to post #24601489. #24601644, #24601719, #24601884, #24601969, #24602009, #24602079, #24602239 are all replies on the same post.

PotatoHunter wrote:
homeiswonderland wrote: "We?" Please, speak for yourself...
PotatoHunter wrote: I've been going site to site, spreading the petition, fighting the good fight, and now I'm starting to feel betrayed and angry because I just found out about this. U'd feel the same too.
flamenx01 wrote: It's an opt-in (as in it's up to the modder) 1%-5% (of valves cut) donation to the nexus.
jl144740 wrote: Calm down they understand us, unlike Valve. Did Nexus tell you that there mods cost money(?) No so calm down
PotatoHunter wrote: Yeah I understand this, but they are the leaders of this community and they are speaking out against it. You can't speak out against something while having money trickle in your back pocket simultaneously, even if your upfront about it. Your on one side or another.
homeiswonderland wrote: What's going on sucks. You're saying you just found out about the service providers thing? Let's take a step back, do a little more research, and let hurt feelings subside. Even if nexus is being a bit hypocritical (and I'm not saying they are), attacking them is not the thing to do right now. Let's just focus on mods not getting stolen and supporting those anxious modders who are hiding their mods out of fear.
Finnien wrote: Do you have any idea how much a site like this costs to run? If Valve wants to pay a VERY small portion of its portion to Nexus, all it does is help keep free modding afloat. It's VERY clear that Nexus has every intention of not only keeping mods free, but of allowing modders here to actively work together against their mods being used in paid content.

Stow the righteous and misplaced anger, and actually read all the news posts. What you're proposing isn't just cutting off the nose to spite the face, it's cutting off your right leg to spite a toe on your left foot.

Dark0ne's explaining it/defending his stance here.
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In response to post #24596664. #24601034, #24601499, #24601684 are all replies on the same post.

JCDNWarrior wrote:
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: And I'm %100 in agreeance.
This is something far outside the realm of digital tyranny. It speaks a greater story.

(What would the Stormcloaks do?)
Milleuros wrote: Of course. A few days before, I'd be saying that Valve was the only editor who had not made anything against mods. Now the truth is : all video games editors are fighting modding.

Modding is dead.
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: Modding is not dead.

WE hold the wallets. Do not falter, when it is YOU who holds the weapon.

Fight the System!
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In response to post #24599664. #24599799, #24599829, #24599839, #24599979, #24600139, #24600194, #24600244, #24600359, #24600494, #24600539, #24600884, #24600989, #24601494 are all replies on the same post.

G18AkimboNoob wrote:
Eiries wrote:
However, The Nexus is a listed Service Provider on the curated Workshop, and they are profiting from Workshop sales. They are saying one thing, while simultaneously taking their cut.

I don't see how mentioning "these guys have mods too" constitutes Nexusmods making money off of this (except through traffic which he has no control over.)

Citation from bossman requested.
LtRhapthorne wrote: So Dark0ne is being as greedy as Valve

Unless he personally responds to these accusations, I'm going to ask for my account to be banned. I don't have local copies of my mods. They'll be dead forever.
PickleJar wrote: Yeah, Dark0ne needs to post about this.
LoneHP wrote:
Citation from bossman requested.

No bleeding joke on that. A statement regarding what Chesko revealed is required to begin with, because actual money has likely flowed here over Chesko's (and Fores' ) work with no indication of such.
CiderMuffin wrote: If it's from ad revenue that's an unfair statement for Chesko to make, numerous sites do ad revenue in order to make ends meet. As far as I see it I don't get how the Nexus could make money off of this as they have no part in the transactions. I think this is just Chesko using the negative PR they're getting to hurt someone else out of spite.
Eiries wrote: Chesko's been colossally wrong about a lot of stuff over the past 24 hours so I can't help but feel he's just trying to take the heat off himself and place it on Robin. We'll see, I'm sure he'll say something.
Eiries wrote:

Totally making bank on this scandal. Totally. Hey dude.
The 3rd Type wrote: Hey Eiries. You ever get around to those Flamer Textures :^)
StaciKrash wrote: Arthmoor is also saying the same about robin
shinkicker404 wrote: link

He did reply to Chesko in Reddit.
teppic1 wrote: " Was this a risky, perhaps bold, thing to go ahead with? Yes. Was it a bit crappy of me? Also yes. But it was a risk I took, and the outcome was largely dependent on the FNIS author's reaction to the situation. He was not happy, so I took steps to resolve it. I did not "steal animations" or "steal content""

I don't agree with this at all. You cannot knowingly use someone else's work without permission for monetary profit and then call it a risk as to whether they would be happy with that or not. It's not his place to do that.
TheSabi wrote: hmm this is AFTER he used someone else assests in a mod and got caught. He's not new to modding, he knws better. This comes off more as make everyone else look like the bad guy whao is me redirecting.

He is quoted in those articles and in his letter he knew FULL WELL he shouldn't be using them and using the scapegoat of valve saying "if the download was separate and free, it was fair game." He admits FNIS isn't needed so he could have waited or just not include them like with Arissa 2.0.

Sorry if I'm not buying "nexus is evil too" after that.

All of this insane traffic is going to cost the Nexus thousands of dollars per day, and we're not recouping that cost.

The only way for Nexus to try and get that back is if Valve extended an olive branch with a service provider option. That sounds like a reasonable attempt at removing the strain they've created on the site.
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In response to post #24601099. #24601154, #24601174, #24601284, #24601304, #24601504, #24601634, #24601689, #24601769, #24602259, #24602519, #24602759 are all replies on the same post.

CiderMuffin wrote:
merrydownjade wrote: I'm getting this too.
MrTrigun wrote: Yeah..same here. Only the big bundle seems to be up.
Blademaster1215 wrote: I did say it a few minutes ago, but it got buried.
AlexandruRadu wrote: Same here guys I guess we won after all
Blademaster1215 wrote: Doubtful, could be a DDoS attack though?
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: I hope we won.
merrydownjade wrote: I wouldn't call this a victory yet.
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: Yeah...

*grasps my Amulet of Talos tightly*
appelpiman wrote: Yep Just checked only the big bundle is up.
Blademaster1215 wrote: The mods are back up, Chesko's is completely gone though afaik. Haven't won yet. Fight the power.
CiderMuffin wrote: People already have a bad view of Chesko after this and their attempt at attacking the Nexus to get the hate off their tail.

truth Edited by FillipeMattos
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