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In light of this issue, and because I know a lot of mod authors have either come out on one side or the other on the issue, we've added a new permissions check box to file page settings (found under "Edit Attributes", towards the bottom). The setting reads "Users can not use my assets in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms". You can either tick it or untick it, and that information will be displayed under the Permissions and Credits link as per usual.



:smile: Works well, just checked out all my mod pages including oblivion and in all cases it works well with whatever I had without changing its default position


Here's hoping the rest of the File Permissions requested for change go as quickly and smoothly one of these days :tongue:

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Other questions that came to my mind is "What if I downloaded the mod before the author then uploaded it to the workshop as a paid mod?", "Do I now need to pay for this mod?", "Can I keep for free what is now needing payment?" or "Will I somehow be forced to delete the mod until I pay for it?"
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In response to post #24601529. #24601674, #24601979, #24602179, #24602339, #24602474, #24602649 are all replies on the same post.

FillipeMattos wrote:
visorak wrote: Valve/bethesda's option is making Nintendo's look like a way better deal (still isn't).
Blademaster1215 wrote: Posting a review is not the gaming companies content, it is critique of their content and protected under Fair Use laws, commentated gameplay walkthroughs are under the same protection. Don't eat what certain companies try to feed you.
FillipeMattos wrote: The problem is that youtuber gamer reveal too spoiler.

You are able to watch an entire game on youtube watching all possible spoilers.

Games that look like interactive movies, example, Life is Strange, Beyond: Two Souls (and others) fail to sell because people have seen the whole game in the videos.
Blademaster1215 wrote: Beyond Two Souls didn't sell because it was a bad game.

Life Is Strange didn't sell because it looked boring to most browsers.
FillipeMattos wrote: Wrong, these were not the only cases many good games (focused on stories) fail to sell because the youtubers have explored everything. So there is not more grace in buying the game.
Blademaster1215 wrote: Why didn't GTAV underperform then? RadBrad did pretty much everything in that game along with a hundred other walkthrough youtubers.

Good games with competent marketing sell well.

GTA is not linear.
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In response to post #24601489. #24601644, #24601719, #24601884, #24601969, #24602009, #24602079, #24602239, #24602539, #24602874 are all replies on the same post.

PotatoHunter wrote:
homeiswonderland wrote: "We?" Please, speak for yourself...
PotatoHunter wrote: I've been going site to site, spreading the petition, fighting the good fight, and now I'm starting to feel betrayed and angry because I just found out about this. U'd feel the same too.
flamenx01 wrote: It's an opt-in (as in it's up to the modder) 1%-5% (of valves cut) donation to the nexus.
jl144740 wrote: Calm down they understand us, unlike Valve. Did Nexus tell you that there mods cost money(?) No so calm down
PotatoHunter wrote: Yeah I understand this, but they are the leaders of this community and they are speaking out against it. You can't speak out against something while having money trickle in your back pocket simultaneously, even if your upfront about it. Your on one side or another.
homeiswonderland wrote: What's going on sucks. You're saying you just found out about the service providers thing? Let's take a step back, do a little more research, and let hurt feelings subside. Even if nexus is being a bit hypocritical (and I'm not saying they are), attacking them is not the thing to do right now. Let's just focus on mods not getting stolen and supporting those anxious modders who are hiding their mods out of fear.
Finnien wrote: Do you have any idea how much a site like this costs to run? If Valve wants to pay a VERY small portion of its portion to Nexus, all it does is help keep free modding afloat. It's VERY clear that Nexus has every intention of not only keeping mods free, but of allowing modders here to actively work together against their mods being used in paid content.

Stow the righteous and misplaced anger, and actually read all the news posts. What you're proposing isn't just cutting off the nose to spite the face, it's cutting off your right leg to spite a toe on your left foot.
homeiswonderland wrote:
Dark0ne's explaining it/defending his stance here.
PotatoHunter wrote: Look, okay maybe I got overzealous in my original post. I'll openly admit it, I was wrong, but I also read all the news posts completely.

So taking a cut of paid mods to support free mods is a good idea? I dont think so. You can't have the best of both worlds. Corporate greed will win if theres not 100% opposition to this. I'm not saying that Nexus doesnt deserve money, they definently do for everything they've done. Modders also deserve money for their mods. But its money from a program hellbent on destroying the free modding community. And the almighty Valve gets 75 percent.

But this program is evil. There will not be a co-existance of paid content and free content. To think that is naive. There are rumours out there that the paid content is already being taken down. I hope thats true. I just feel that even accepting a small cut of the money is a little bit hypocritical in my eyes.

And look, I'm not a premium member. I've used Nexus since Oblivion, and I never donated either. Maybe in the long run, this'll be a good thing. Maybe I should join premium and give a mod author a couple bucks here or there once a while. But I stand by my original point. Accepting money from this service is like Ulfric Stormcloak getting a cut of Thalmor money for fighting the Empire for them (who even knows, maybe he was). Even if the money amounts to an iron dagger. Its the principal.

Nexus is no leader. I don't have one.
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Well... I will continue work on my mod but I belive I will wait with uploads until the whole thing will be more... How to say it? Stabilized? So far Im glad Nexus is doing the right thing. Still Im in shock since I never expected such tactics from Steam or Bethesda. I mean those guys had both good reputation and boom! They go EA methods all of a sudden


Anyway glad at least I got one safe place still to look for mods and talk with people about this without the suspension hammer because I dont like the idea of steam

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In response to post #24601529. #24601674, #24601979, #24602179, #24602339, #24602474, #24602649, #24602999 are all replies on the same post.

FillipeMattos wrote:
visorak wrote: Valve/bethesda's option is making Nintendo's look like a way better deal (still isn't).
Blademaster1215 wrote: Posting a review is not the gaming companies content, it is critique of their content and protected under Fair Use laws, commentated gameplay walkthroughs are under the same protection. Don't eat what certain companies try to feed you.
FillipeMattos wrote: The problem is that youtuber gamer reveal too spoiler.

You are able to watch an entire game on youtube watching all possible spoilers.

Games that look like interactive movies, example, Life is Strange, Beyond: Two Souls (and others) fail to sell because people have seen the whole game in the videos.
Blademaster1215 wrote: Beyond Two Souls didn't sell because it was a bad game.

Life Is Strange didn't sell because it looked boring to most browsers.
FillipeMattos wrote: Wrong, these were not the only cases many good games (focused on stories) fail to sell because the youtubers have explored everything. So there is not more grace in buying the game.
Blademaster1215 wrote: Why didn't GTAV underperform then? RadBrad did pretty much everything in that game along with a hundred other walkthrough youtubers.

Good games with competent marketing sell well.
FillipeMattos wrote: GTA is not linear.

Yeah and modmakers should get money from the youtubers who are using their mods too. Correct?
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In response to post #24596664. #24601034, #24601499, #24601684, #24602554, #24602869 are all replies on the same post.

JCDNWarrior wrote:
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: And I'm %100 in agreeance.
This is something far outside the realm of digital tyranny. It speaks a greater story.

(What would the Stormcloaks do?)
Milleuros wrote: Of course. A few days before, I'd be saying that Valve was the only editor who had not made anything against mods. Now the truth is : all video games editors are fighting modding.

Modding is dead.
TheEyelessWanderer wrote: Modding is not dead.

WE hold the wallets. Do not falter, when it is YOU who holds the weapon.
WightMage wrote: Fight the System!
hector530 wrote: ahhhh there's nothing like people who just joined nexus this year claiming modding is dead


i'll see you all back at nexus for fallout 4

@hector530 :

I was coding micro-mods for Battlefield 2, years ago. It was very different from this. I can safely say that modding is dead.

Yeah, we are the ones with the wallets and we are the ones who decide. But come on, there are already been plenty of people who bought mods on Steam after a single day.
When there were the first DLC or the first preorder bonuses, optimists said that it would never work because gamers are the ones with the wallet. Guess what it failed.
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