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In response to post #24598619. #24599869, #24600084, #24600544, #24604719, #24606369 are all replies on the same post.

LeianneG wrote:
Psijonica wrote: THIS

I agree 100% that Bethesda may license the CK. I said it before and I'll say it again; this whole problem started when "donations" popped up. Onc3e the gaming companies saw that users were willing to pay for mods, and donations are a form of payment then it was obvious to the rest of us who understand law and business that they (the gaming companies) would protect their products.

If anyone thinks that they own their mods or that you can collect money for mods that use their (the gaming companies) platform (the game itself) then you are absolutely crazy. the gaming companies are the ones who invested the money and it is they who are creating the jobs! And that is what counts. Jobs... Governments will change the laws and support the companies that create jobs in their states and countries.

In the future people will buy mods like they do music from the iStore. There will always be free mods available so there will always be a Nexusmods however, the real talented modders that create new world spaces and quests, or top notch armour models and massive game change mods will test their alpha and beta mods for free on the Nexusmods sites and then move their final updated and improved mod to Steam.

It is inevitable...

Ask any old timer what they feel about the kids who think they own their mods... they used to think they were crazy and disliked it. Now those kids are adults and spoiled the modding commmunity and so we are now left with a new generation who not only beleive that they own their mods, that they can pay modders a 'tip" or "donation" without consequence.

I don't like it but I have to say, "I told you so."
CiderMuffin wrote: Actually from the looks of it most of those kinds of modders (trainwiz, the mannimarco team, Beyond skyrim, Elianora.) disapprove of this practice greatly and it could follow suit with even more world-building mod teams and modders. Sure there are going to be those ones that believe they should get paid for their work but in the end the chances of a big mod like Falskaar or Wrymstooth would end up doing worse on the paid mod market as their content is so big it would take over the refund period to do everything they offer and for players to see if the mod causes problems.
Psijonica wrote: @ CiderMuffin

You are making some big assumptions and I disagree will your main point.

If you read what I wrote then you should know already that Trainwiz (god bless him) is an old time modder and who doesn't fall into this new generation. I predicted this would happen 4 years ago over at Modsreloaded and I was attacked and laughed at. My post is still there so I have proof of the prediction that the future would be pay-for-mods and that the gaming companies would be the ones to enforce it.

Just like today I predicted that the gaming companies will continue to protect their assets. It is a no-brainer.

There is a way that the Nexusmods could fight back but I am not willing to share my business model yet and I am not convinced that Darone is really the white night he is proclaiming himself as. Time will tell...

Just because trainwiz and other modders, who by the way are financially secure in their lives won't charge for their DLC typee mods, I already know for a fact that their are modding communities that are creating DLC type mods for sale on STEAM right now.

Sorry but it is time to open your eyes. I know you don't like what you are hearing but I promise you that you really won't like what you wil;l soon be seeing.
adragon82 wrote: Fear mongering?

I take it you never played Sims 2 or Spore?

Outside of the Mod the Sims site it was TOXIC and there were even lawsuits by modders against each other.

As for Spore, the game ate itself and modders were flagging work for "similarities" claiming their ideas were being copied...it stifled the game because people were not working together, not collaborating at all.

What Nexus needs to do is just expand their donations, include the button on ALL mod pages and make it so any amount can be donated...even 50 cents.

The last thing we need is for modders to start guarding their resources and not sharing in hopes to lessen the amount of competition to make more money.
reyzark wrote: kudos for u Adragon

Adragon is absolutely right. It's not fear-mongering when we actually have examples to use.
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I added a comment on Steam not saying anything but I hope this isn't the first step for steam to update the games in some way so only mods from the steam workshop will work in the games and for some reason now I am blocked from commenting on steam.
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Hello Dark0ne,


I highly recommend taking a look at this reddit post please.



Essentially what you're doing with this model scheme is allowing all modders to have free access to mods while still allowing mod authors to create revenue.


There are literally no downfalls to this system, as modders can choose whether or not they want to support certain mods or they can even have mods commissioned while still allowing access to these paid for mods for everyone at no cost.


It might be a bit of work to set up a system working around this method but I can almost guarentee you that it would be significantly more effective than a simple paid for system.

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In response to post #24606609. #24606734 is also a reply to the same post.

Phychosis wrote:
Thunde wrote: I posted a link to the petition and then they banned me.
Someone was banned because he wrote negative about payed mods.

If the banning was done in mod comments that could be because of the content creator and not Valve. Same with discussions. Someone doing the banning could be working on their own agenda and shouldn't be a representative of Valve's but should be searched for and then reported for abusing mod powers.
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In response to post #24605159. #24605279, #24605349 are all replies on the same post.

Gunblazer 42 wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: He already has, read back a few pages. Its nothing more than an optional donation mod authors can give nexus from a cut of valves split. Its not compulsary, and only amounts to 1, maybe 5% at most, for mod authors who feel Nexus helped them and their mod get to where it is now, give a little back. It also helps if mods are removed from nexus; less mods means less ad revenue, which is how this site works, this way Nexus can still get something from that mod, even if removed from here.
erlkonnig1 wrote: He did. In that exact thread you linked. It's not even that far down.

Basically, mod authors can elect to send up to 5% of Valve's cut of the sales to a site they wish to support. It's kind of like a "giving back to the community that allowed me to grow" donation. They aren't "taking a cut" as Chesko claims, because they only get money if the authors choose to send it to them (and, from what I've read, Chesko didn't).

Yep, it's ridiculous how people instantly jump on and blame Dark0ne while they themselves are actually completely uninformed.
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