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I give you praise Dark0ne, for contrary to your name you are the one light shining like a beacon in the storm of darkness that we all now walk through. I am damn well going to give you and the mod authors on here my money before I let Steam or Valve get any of it seeing as how you actually deserve it for all the work you do.
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In response to post #24596749. #24597344, #24597449 are all replies on the same post.

SydneyB wrote:
setiweb wrote: Like you, me too.
SydneyB wrote: :) I've realised that is already checked by default. Great! :)

Same here. And while I won't enable the pre-download donation reminder, I do think features that increase general awareness of the donation system are a good idea (I didn't even have the donate button enabled on my pages until users nagged me to do it).
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I think I'm done with modding at all and the Nexus until payed for mods are not a thing.


I already bought lifetime here, so I guess the Nexus got it's worth outta me, but if Fallout 4 releases I'll do a vanilla playthrough and that's it if payed for mods are still around.


I guess this is goodbye then unless things change. Hope you have a wonderful time.

Edited by LtRhapthorne
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After this whole fiasco went down yesterday, I decided then and there that I would support mod authors directly here on the Nexus, so I'm fine with either way being implemented to aid that. I'm just sorry that the mod authors are being put through this whole mess.
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Hey Dark One, I want to apologize for never paying for the Nexus before. I've been using the Nexus since it was TESSource and have been using adblocker programs since they've been available. I'm probably part of the problem as to why mods are becoming pay to play due to my selfishness and failure to give back to the community.


I look forward to donating in the future to my favorite mods and I've finally picked up a premium account. I know it won't get you back all the money I've probably stole from the site and it might be too little too late but... Like with climate change, I'm staying positive!

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In response to post #24597589.

LtRhapthorne wrote:

Nexus will never have paywalled/paid for mods. All it has is a simple donation popup feature that mod authors can opt into. Edited by Millenia
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In response to post #24595124. #24595439, #24595614, #24595784, #24595894 are all replies on the same post.

Reaper0021 wrote:
Brasscatcher wrote: That's part of what's dragged me into this conversation. I'm really not that chatty online. I'm kind of an e-hermit, for the most part, lol.

There are so many ways this system could be exploited if it worked *well*. Considering how they've chosen to implement pay2mod, it can only end badly.
Reaper0021 wrote: Yeah I don't get involved in forums talk much. I come here and use Dark0ne's site(s) for all the great mods. I just look at this....and get worried about the direction things are going. I'm truly scared. There have already been mods posted on STEAM this morning that have been stolen and taken down. This isn't going to bode well I think.
Azarakos wrote: "You may sell presets, shaders, bitmaps, documentation and any other components for ENBSeries, except binary files (dll, exe) created by author of ENBSeries." - The licence agreement and distribution rules from his site. (http://enbdev.com/license_en.htm)

Despite this, I do share your concern.
Reaper0021 wrote: Respect to you Azarakos. I just see potential problems from all kinds of areas that will crop up. Kudos your way.

Chesko has a post saying Valve told him that as long as it's not included in his download, it's fair game. I'm not hating on Chesko, just saying that was the policy presented to him and as such can be considered policy from Valves point of view (probably)
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