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In response to post #24633209. #24633374, #24633709, #24633739 are all replies on the same post.

MajorKuchiki wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: .......why? SKYUI works fine and is still free; I dont see the problem?

Edit: i have to state that, yes i know 5.0 is going to steam, but he has assured us that MCM will not change, so you do not need to update.
MajorKuchiki wrote: sky UI version 5 update is going to be paid only on steamworkshop
Witto wrote: And you believe them that MCM will stay free? I don't. If you can stick few bucks on it, there's gonna be a price tag in few days.

And then the sky UI team will threaten them with lawyers...
(If the skyUI team doesn't, one day or another it will arrive with money involved...)
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I will never pay for mods. I refuse to support Steam, Valve or Bethesda in this idiotic money grab. From this day forward I will only work with Nexusmods. I understand completely why some authors here on Nexus will or have removed their mods. It makes me sad. But I will get the best mods I can that are available from Nexus and be thankful for them. I don't care what mods are uploaded to steam, free or paid, I will never use them.


This is the most idiotic move by a company since New Coke. I hope both Valve and Bethesda lose their shirts in this with lawsuits or whatever. I am so mad I could just spit *patooie*

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In response to post #24630679. #24630994, #24631019, #24633789 are all replies on the same post.

TohouAsura wrote:
Impulseman45 wrote: Sims 3, yeah, i remember how that all fell apart. just one big screw after another and every time they updated the game all the custom content was totally broken and to be remade. Very bad choices there. I gave my copies to my brother kids, now they wont even play them.
Asyrin wrote: Meh, many of us support modders having the option to be paid for their work.
TohouAsura wrote: There's donations for that.

Money should not be a requirement to get access to user-made content.

This is not a job or a profession, it's a passion-driven hobby. Monetizing it destroys the very thing it's built upon -- love for the game and community.

its the modders choice, not yours nor mine. So while I agree this is stupid, there really isn't much of a stance we even can take.

personally I think this is corporate greed at its worse. I hope valve drowns for this... Bethesda, well... I need them around a bit longer for some more awesome games. Edited by El`derina
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the TOS for the paid workshop gives you 24 hours to request your money back if the mod doesent function properly i assume that a mod that was stolen from the nexus without the authors permission would also be grounds for a refund
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Perhaps any mod that is no longer maintained here but is updated on Steam should be moved to a different section on the search results. I don't like how some mods like realistic textures aren't even available here any more, yet still show up with all their endorsements.
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