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Quick updates to the site, money money money edition


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You try to paint a picture where every mod author and even you just have to endure these dark times without anything YOU, yes, specifically YOU can do.


However, all it takes is some balls. Create a moderating team who's only job is to verify if a mod, or it's assets got stolen. Screen caps work. In game recorded footage works. If by chance the "thief" has a name on the Nexus, IP-ban the living **** out of him forever. If an author "turns on the dark side" by having his mod be removed to sell them on Steam, do the same. Those who turn their back on us don't deserve to be here. They are part of the problem.


Implementing a system where totally new registered users cannot download (or have their downloading abilities restricted in some way) is also an option. Steam already does this: new accounts cannot sell items, or even chat or communicate in any way as long as they haven't spent at least 5€ on the Steam platform.

You need to do something similar. Be that a one-time paid membership, or a credit system. That way you can stop the thievery that is going on. Because believe me it will happen. People will realize the easiest way to grab cash is to just download a mod, repackage it and put it on Steam. If the original author is unaware of this in that 1 week time period then it's too late to do anything.


They (including Valve, including Bethesda, and DLC maker wannabes) have started this but WE have to stop this.

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I'm linking this again because it brings about some very good points of what can happen with this kind of model. I want you all to look at it THEN you can garner some ideas from it as to why some people in the upper echelons of "Nexus" might be concerned. This reporter brings up some very good points.



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LEL! Bethesda games are worthless and buggy without mods.


Mods are the only thing that keep Fallout 3, New Vegas and Skyrim sales up.


Nice way to shoot yourselves in the foot Valve and Bethesda.


Sigh, never underestimate corporate greed kiddies.




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In response to post #24633209. #24633374, #24633709, #24633739, #24633824 are all replies on the same post.

MajorKuchiki wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: .......why? SKYUI works fine and is still free; I dont see the problem?

Edit: i have to state that, yes i know 5.0 is going to steam, but he has assured us that MCM will not change, so you do not need to update.
MajorKuchiki wrote: sky UI version 5 update is going to be paid only on steamworkshop
Witto wrote: And you believe them that MCM will stay free? I don't. If you can stick few bucks on it, there's gonna be a price tag in few days.
popopipo wrote: And then the sky UI team will threaten them with lawyers...
(If the skyUI team doesn't, one day or another it will arrive with money involved...)

Just can't wait to see all the "buy the full version now" popups!

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