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In response to post #24633209.

MajorKuchiki wrote:

.......why? SKYUI works fine and is still free; I dont see the problem?

Edit: i have to state that, yes i know 5.0 is going to steam, but he has assured us that MCM will not change, so you do not need to update. Edited by bigdeano89
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In response to post #24603704. #24603984, #24604109, #24633094 are all replies on the same post.

SpicyTM wrote:
raupao wrote: You arent very bright are you? Read this and dont be so naive next time.
Milleuros wrote: I never paid for DLC, now games have almost no content at day one and if I buy the regular edition I can't play with my friends who bought all DLCs. I never paid for pre-order bonuses and now it's impossible to find any game without a part of its content being only available as pre-order.

I never paid for a game edited by a company I strongly disagreed with their politics, now I don't buy games anymore.

I will never pay for a mod. Guess what ?
Reaper0021 wrote: You make a new account and post something like this to Troll. Not the brightest crayon in the box are we? People have the RIGHT to voice their opinions and complain about "Paid Mods" all they wish.

ALL I HAVE TO DO is do what I want, and I'm gonna resist this thing until it goes away!
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Steam is a horrible place now. Several groups were made with the express desire to boycott paid mods. Guess what. Valve is CENSORING THEM and disabling the ability to comment. Nobody's butthurt, people just don't want capitalism in FAN MADE MODS.
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In response to post #24604329. #24604549, #24604794, #24605444, #24631634, #24631794 are all replies on the same post.

unique1 wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: ESO has been out on PC for ages, and that isnt made by Bethesda, its made by another part of the company called Zenimax Online.
unique1 wrote: Seems you are correct, sir.

This still may however be a ploy to increase it's user base.
marthgun wrote: Bethesda is hosting at E3 this year, so it's clearly set up to maximize profits of Fallout 4, they want the infrastructure in place so that the steam workshop becomes the foremost hub of mods.

The problem is that steam is a terrible community. The comment system, the fact that virtually none of the essential utilities are hosted on the steam workshop, all of the knowledgable users are not on steam, they are at the nexus or the beth forums.

unique1 wrote: All I know for sure is that if mods that were previously free and created simply for the enjoyment of creating something fun being removed and turned into payed mods will result in the death of the skyrim modding community.

It won't be long before the thousands and thousands of free mods for skyrim are reduced to a few "very large" payed mods - of which most of the money is not even going to go to the creator.

This is no future I want to see.
phantompally76 wrote: E3 is going to be a complete disaster for Bethesda.

People in attendance won't give three ****s about Fallout 4 or ESVI and DEFINITELY not about ESO.

It will be a protest against hobby monetization and corporate avarice.

"phantompally76 writes"
"E3 is going to be a complete disaster for Bethesda.

People in attendance won't give three ****s about Fallout 4 or ESVI and DEFINITELY not about ESO.

It will be a protest against hobby monetization and corporate avarice. "

It would be great if the crowd chanted them out of the building with a "no paid mods" chant.
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Warning to all modders that go for the paid mod content - i just had a talk with my lawyer:



If you sell mods on steam you HAVE to declare them in your tax declaration. They count as income, even if its only steam wallet cash. In legal terms it falls under the same kind of income as any other income where you are "paid in kind" - thats the legal term (in german its called: "in Naturalien bezahlt werden".


If you dont declare that money, you are actually committing a serious crime called "evading taxes" or "Steuerhinterziehung" in german....


Have fun with paid mods, but keep your guard up.

Edited by thomrueck
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Thanks for the update. While I understand the reasoning for charging for mods, as you said, they can take an enormous amount of work to do well, I don't like Steam's scheme of keeping 75% of the profits for themselves, nor do I like being forced to pay. I do like your idea of making the ability to donate more visible, and starting now I will be doing just that. That was the reason why I bought a premium membership here; I'm here all the time, it's only right that I give something back.

The issue of mod piracy is a bigger problem than the paid modding issue, however, and I worry how that is going to pan out. I haven't read the terms on Steam yet, but I worry about how much recourse a modder actually has if their assets are used against their wishes on Steam. Sure, they might get the mod taken down, but what about all the money Steam and the pirate made from downloads? I see this getting legally ugly...

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In response to post #24633209. #24633374 is also a reply to the same post.

MajorKuchiki wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: .......why? SKYUI works fine and is still free; I dont see the problem?

Edit: i have to state that, yes i know 5.0 is going to steam, but he has assured us that MCM will not change, so you do not need to update.

sky UI version 5 update is going to be paid only on steamworkshop
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In response to post #24633209. #24633374, #24633709 are all replies on the same post.

MajorKuchiki wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: .......why? SKYUI works fine and is still free; I dont see the problem?

Edit: i have to state that, yes i know 5.0 is going to steam, but he has assured us that MCM will not change, so you do not need to update.
MajorKuchiki wrote: sky UI version 5 update is going to be paid only on steamworkshop

And you believe them that MCM will stay free? I don't. If you can stick few bucks on it, there's gonna be a price tag in few days.
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In response to post #24630679. #24630994, #24631019 are all replies on the same post.

TohouAsura wrote:
Impulseman45 wrote: Sims 3, yeah, i remember how that all fell apart. just one big screw after another and every time they updated the game all the custom content was totally broken and to be remade. Very bad choices there. I gave my copies to my brother kids, now they wont even play them.
Asyrin wrote: Meh, many of us support modders having the option to be paid for their work.

There's donations for that.

Money should not be a requirement to get access to user-made content.

This is not a job or a profession, it's a passion-driven hobby. Monetizing it destroys the very thing it's built upon -- love for the game and community.
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