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Quick updates to the site, money money money edition


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In response to post #24636769. #24637174, #24638689, #24641129 are all replies on the same post.

Obscerno wrote:
popopipo wrote: In game pop-up in "free" mods for the paying version, paying cheat mods, lawsuits coming soon for copyright issues, talented modders getting insulted, mods getting hidden by their creators, shitstorm all over...

I dont know what you consider as long run, but the short term consequences are very clear.
Obscerno wrote: I was mainly focusing on how the long term effects of competition between these companies themselves should be good for modders.

Yes, things are unbalanced right now, but I think they'll smooth out eventually over time as the bugs are ironed out. Things like ethical codes haven't really been established yet seeing as how recent the changes are.

We're already seeing progress on that front, however: The Nexus is giving modders an easy way to give or deny permission to other modders who would like to use their work commercially, which is a good first step.

Hopefully some sort of code of conduct is reached in the coming months amongst the community themselves.
annondude wrote: but the nexus is less of a "company" and more of a "community forum for modders" The payed for mods is a f*#@ing stupid idea, too easy to abuse, scares off vet creators, invites new people to make halfassed work for a quick quarter, Scummy as f*#@ all with the way steam wallet works, and OFC the fact that people can just torrent the mods hell even share em directly with a P2P system like hamachi...I did that for dragonborn and probably could do it just as easy for any payed mod. Yes I like that modders are getting rewarded for doing awesome jobs but honestly this is just a f*#@ing cash grab and anyone who supports this s#*! is either a blind shill or a modder who is getting his steam shoe closet filled with more software because lolsteamwallet=/=real money. Donate function is a great idea, forced to pay is f*#@ing stupid

That's like saying facebook isn't a business, just a cool place to share photos and keep up to date with your friends. That's what it is to the *user*. Not to the company.

That isn't to say that the Nexus' operation is comparable to Facebook, but just that there will be competition. Since the competition is over talent, both sides will have to do their best to appeal to the modders. That's a good thing.

A lot of the business practices that people are worried about are easily avoided: support what you love, and ignore what you don't. Support the Nexus by donating or disabling adblock, support the modders by donating, and don't use paid mods that are stolen, cheap, or unfinished (or don't buy any, if you don't support paid mods). Be the change you want to see in the world.
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Is there a way for me to know which mods have been removed? because I have a lot of mods in my download history, and when I need to reinstall mods I just went to my history and installed the mods in the order they appear on my download history. I just don't want to be installing mods and not know which of my mods have been removed cause I have so many I cant remember them all. So is there a way to know what ones have been removed?
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In response to post #24657784.

daaubrey wrote:

One way to always keep track of the mods that you have an interest in is to click that mods track button. I have hundreds of mods in my track list. I can go in the list and check to see if a mod is down, removed, or updated. This is great feature and you should be using it.
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As a mod author that releases everything as a Modder's Resource, I'm kinda in limbo on this.

First I would like to say I'm for anything that encourages new modders and modding in general, paid, free, whatever gets it going and keeps it alive. So with that said I will continue.

I'm not really concerned about people making money off my resources. As long as they put the time into something that deserves it. not just re releasing my resources. But is this something that is manageable? No Ideas are jumping out at me on this.

So this brings me back to the same frame of mind where when I release a mod as a resource, then it is "just that" a resource I'm letting go of and giving to the community. And at that point release myself from ownership and control of the mod. I think I'm ok with that because it is what I have already been doing in most part.


One worry that comes to mind is...

Some models incorporated into mods and resource mods are taken from free obj model sites. (stating free to use as long as not commercial or money making). Even though us as mod authors take these models, basically rebuild them, skin them, convert them to the game we intend to use them in and release them as resources for Free. Then my concern comes into play. Does this make US (the original releasing mod author) liable or incriminated by someone else using, releasing and making money of them. I say this due to most of the modders resource models out there are converted models from free model sites.

Long story short. My worry is not that I'm not making money off my resources or that someone else is but that I would like to release myself from ownership once I release a resource mod.

If my explanation of my concern was coherent enough to understand :smile: some feed back on this or ideas would be helpful, especially from site admin.

~ ReZ

Edited by RayV12
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In response to post #24637214. #24638794, #24640134, #24640889 are all replies on the same post.

lioncoke wrote:
lioncoke wrote: I also forgot to state that should the Mod break or no longer work you have to ask the Mod Author to fix it, or if they can. If they can you have to wait and see if the Mod author will fix it, if they can't well your outta luck then...
What would happen if the mod author should up and abandon the mod at one point and the Mod breaks? I know that would lead to a sh*t storm (forgive my language) but I don't truthfully know.

End of long rant. :P
DFX2K9 wrote: you make a very valid point. people expect support for something they paid for. so you could find yourself trapped in support doom trying to make your mod work with everything else under the sun or risk rage attached to your name.
Thunde wrote: Purity already have 765 current subscribers, midas magic have 418 and wet and cold have 461. So I guess they already got their money.

As you said most people expect support for a while, and it won't be easy. And that won't be fun for the Mod Author at all. As there are tons of Mods and a lot don't play nice together. I wounder if any of the Mod Author that are thinking or done Paid Mods have thought about that fact? If they hadn't, that's very concerning...

That very sad... But it also varies on how much they all paid for the mods, but still sad. They must like to throw away money...
Don't get me wrong sure if the Mod Author want to get paid, sure I'm fine with that. But there is a very long list of why not to buy Paid Mods.
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"We still have a glaring issue of how, or even if, we can split donations between mod teams. The problem is that I really, really, do not want to touch any donation money. I don't want to act as a middle-man between a user and a mod author when it comes to donations, I'd just rather a user donated to a mod author directly. The inherent problem with that is, because there's no way of knowing what file a donation was for, there's no way of being able to differentiate between a donation for a file that an author made on their own and a donation for a file an author made with a team. It's something we're going to have to think about, because the only way I can think of getting around that particular issue is having some sort of Steam Wallet style system in place on the Nexus that records all the donations sent for all files and mod authors. And I absolutely loathe that idea."


That's strange. The site doesn't already have a way for author's to publish solo projects and group projects separately? I am obviously not familiar with the author's side of the site but if that's the case then why not give them the option to create modding teams that can publish mods? The authors can just create a separate Paypal account to handle donations to the team. Divvying up the money would be completely up to the members.

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In response to post #24627129. #24627504, #24627699, #24628164, #24645849 are all replies on the same post.

Deathtoheaven731 wrote:
Nightasy wrote: Are you a professional 3D modeler or a professional script writer? Are you a professional working in a flooded industry? If not then you might want to take a step back and consider your stance. How many mods have you released for free? How many people have you helped in the development of mods. What has been your contribution to the modding of games?

I can assure you that your answers to those questions don't even come close to mine own. Why do I bring this up you might ask. I bring this up because you don't know the position that many modders are in. I'd wager that in the back of your head you are only considering that you might have to pay for something you want. I come to this conclusion since by clicking your name you do not seem to have offered any mods to the community but have much to say about those that have.

If someone wants to get paid for modding then more power to them. Have you considered how many modders this might bring back to Skyrim modding? Think about it for a bit and consider that many people have left Skyrim modding to pursue more profitable endeavors or simply because they got tired of it. Think what mods might come to exist because of profiteering. Hell, Skyrim wouldn't exist if not for the bottom dollar. And yes, I plan to release some paid for content along with some free content.

I've always considered Skyrim modding charity but now that their is an option to make a few bucks well why not? I was essentially done with modding Skyrim but now that I've come to learn I can make a few bucks doing it I've come back to throw a few more up there. I would not have been doing so had the option to make money not become available. Don't bash people for trying to make a few bucks, times are tough all over.

I'd also like to go on record stating that Valve taking a 75% cut is bull. Even turbosquid doesn't take no where near that amount of a cut. The modder does all the work including the conceptual design of the project. They should be the ones walking away with 75%, not the other way around. That is the only gripe I have with the matter but hey, what can you do?
drwebs wrote: @Nightasy your response is why people pirate mods and will keep on doing it.

"I cam back to ruin the community that did not pay me from the start" is basically what you just said.

I look forward to see all of your paid work given out for free!
Nightasy wrote: You completely misread my post. I'm sorry that you read it that way and that is not anything like what I've stated nor does it even come close. You apparently don't know who you are talking to and I won't take offense to it because you are new here. You should probably research me before you make assumptions about me. I've done more for the modding community then you most likely are aware of. I'm one of the good guys.

Though I should inform you that your account and IP are most likely going to get banned as you've just encouraged piracy which is against Nexus policy.
Deathtoheaven731 wrote: I'm guessing someone flamed you? 'Cause I did not see these two posts of yours until just now....

does seem the damage is already done, mods been pulled simply because of fear meaning new users cannot download them :(
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