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Which License restricts others from sale of product including your content?


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Which disclaimer restricts others from sale of product including your content?

I thought it was GNU General Public License but seems like I'm wrong?

Summary of GNU General Public License


Quick Photoshop showing what I want, and would suggest for use by others who don't like the new system.


Basically a license that would say
"Anything I make, cannot be included in a paid mod: Either as a direct/indirect incentive, if it's a mod for sale I forbid any of my content from use or even being present. Including anything at all I make at all in a mod for sale violates terms of use, hence I would be able to request takedown on Steam(DMCA Claim). Screenshots of my content may not be present unless a disclaimer is present at the top of the description stating that my content is not affiliated with said mod for sale, and a direct Nexus link to my For-Free mod."

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the use of notices like that and others placed on mods is a very gray a place to go basically because the use of any scripts ect are deemed as public domain as thay have been placed in the public domain by the software publisher unless you are using new scripting

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Oh I should have clarified, I'm more referring to custom models and textures. My big problem with the Paid Workshop is freely shared mods being packaged be someone besides the author for sale and blatantly stolen mods being put for sale.

I heard there's an option for DMCA Claim on the steam workshop pages, if you find your stuff stolen. I'm not sure if we need to have something like GNU license in our file to be able to ask Valve to remove their paid mod or set it to free. It would be nice if it would even allow people from Nexus to notice stolen mods, show Valve that it has this license therefore it should be removed.

I have many plans though I'm generally working far too often to give them a proper effort for proper quality. If I do make a custom armor(I want to go from scratch, no Bethesda or other mod author's stuff used) I want to make it very black and white that I don't ever approve of my stuff. Even if my armor would appear only in a Paid Mod's screenshot I want to be credited and my file's Nexus link included so anyone who wants it can easily find the link to it for a FREE download.

Would it be enough to include it on the file page on the nexus, that I don't want my files being included with a separate mod that the author intends to sell.

Edited by fftfan
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Linked to show some related comments I made.


You CAN force Valve/Bethesda to respect creative commons and rewrite their policies on intellectual property. The problem is no one can afford the price of a lawyer who will have to hurdle through a year or more of litigation by both Valve and Bethesda's retainers of lawyers. And even then, when you realize you are about to win, they will offer you a settlement, which almost everyone takes. The settlement is their way of paying for your silence, that way they can not lose the case and they won't have to change their company policies.


This is why companies like Valve and Bethesda can big-show small guys, forcing them to change their game's name or give up rights to their publishing, etc... Don't mistake difficult/expensive for whether or not what they are doing is legal. Americans are just too often victims to corporations pushing around ordinary citizens and consumers. Hopefully this will change in the future as it is becoming such a problem in the present since it is used obnoxiously too much.


However, Valve and Bethesda have to know they now give pirates moral ammunition. Because this is pirate behavior by Valve and Bethesda.

Edited by Levantinium
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ok if you are using custom made graphics and nothing that has been taken from the web ie using a pic from another site than cutting it to make the rapper then you can clime copyright on the art work only.


but not any script as the base script is tecnacley the property of bethesta altho thay have put it in to the public domain by reliceing the script ( geck)


here is another way of putting it as a web master I use html php for my web sites although I put a copyright on it it dose not mean I own the html php or any other script I may use within the site nor in fact the layout the only thing I can clame copy right for is any text or graphics I have made and images photos I place on the site unless given consent by the person who has taken them but then you would give credit for sead image


but here is the kicker if a file has been uploaded to a server the server owner has no oblgation to remove the content once it has been uploaded thay can however change any priceing if they agree with any complante

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Hasn't Valve said that it's pretty much okay if you just grab any mod that isn't yours and put it up for sale on thee Workshop, as long as that mod has thus far only been put up for free somewhere other than the Workshop?


If this is the case, Nexus is going to start looking like a big unlocked treasure chest for a lot of people.

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If someone steals an existing mod's content and puts it together with their own for sale on Steam Workshop, can the author or someone else complain to Valve to take it down? Ex. Let's say a Nexus user finds popular Top-100 armor mods, listed on Steam Workshop in a pack of "new armors" for sale. Could that user, or the original authors of the armors who uploaded to Skyrim Nexus get Valve to take down the file?

Hasn't Valve said that it's pretty much okay if you just grab any mod that isn't yours and put it up for sale on thee Workshop, as long as that mod has thus far only been put up for free somewhere other than the Workshop?


If this is the case, Nexus is going to start looking like a big unlocked treasure chest for a lot of people.

This is my worry.

Edited by fftfan
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