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Nifskope Question


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I've gotten pretty good at taking scopes and silencers from one gun and putting them on another. I'm having trouble taking a magazines from one rifle to another. I suspect it's because the magazine is animated for the reload. Is there some trick to doing that correctly?


When I copy the branch from mesh to another the magazine appears but most of the time I can't move it into place and when I can the nif does not work.

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Open the weapon with the magazine you wish to use. In render window where the model is, right-click the magazine, select Block/Copy Branch in the drop-down menu that popped up. Don't close the window.


Bring up the mesh you wish to transfer the magazine to, right-click the original magazine in the render preview window and select Block/Remove Branch in the drop-down menu. In the Block List window, expand BSFadeNode if not expanded already, right-click a NiNode block called ##Magazine (or ##Clip or whatever, it's called differently on different weapons), select Block/Paste Branch in the drop-down menu.


Make sure the newly pasted branch is called either ##Magazine or ##Magazine:0 so select the magazine in the render window, go to Block Details and click the little "Txt" button in the "Name" entry. Write ##Magazine or ##Magazine:0 in the window that just popped up and press enter.


Right-click the magazine in the render window and select Transform/Edit if you need to adjust it's size/position. Regardless of if you adjusted the magazine's position or not, right-click the magazine and select Transform/Apply to make sure it sticks where you put it.




That's a copy/paste of what I wrote a few years ago in a PM to someone else. The NiNode I mentioned there is an animation node, the magazine's NiTriStrips block is attached to the node (if it's inside it's branch, it's attached to it). If it's outside the NiNode branch for the magazine, it won't animate because it's not attached to the animation node, it'll be static just like the rifle's body.

Edited by Werne
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Thank you! I'll try it. It seems very similar to pasting a silencer or scope branch. Out of curiosity why does the name need to be ##Magazine or ##Magazine:0 does it have something to do with the animation?


I know that when I place a scope or silencer I need to rename the pasted branch otherwise it adopts the name of one of the other branches and that causes the nif to fail. I normally just give the silencer or scope a unique name but I've used all kinds (suppressor, scope, or sil or scp) so as long as it was unique it did not seem to matter.

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Sometimes it doesn't matter what you call things with the txt name, other times it's very important and the trick is to know when. Get it wrong with things like calling something else the same as the scene roots name or "BSX" can result in a nif which will cause CTD. You are correct it does have to do with the animation, when it comes to animation you need to start thinking of NiNodes as bones and bones are referenced specifically by name in the kf controller blocks.

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