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Tales of Vesperia


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Got it just the other day. It's pretty fun so far. The graphics are quite lovely and the music's pretty sweet. There are a few things that I find pretty irritating, too. There's the way Yuri attacks. A basic combo(simply pressing the Attack Button three times without tilting the control stick) ends with Yuri tossing his sword from one hand to the other, staying completely still while doing so. Yeah, I'm not big on having the computer automatically leave me momentarily defenseless because the programmers had to turn Yuri into a show off, then getting my posterior handed to me by any nearby foe..like Zagi for example. When the foes can dish out the damage in high quantities, I would prefer a fully functional character with which to whip 'em, not guys who drop their defenses just to be flashy. I can work around this just fine, but it's the fact that I have to work around it that irritates me.

Then there's the lack of depth in the Strategy menu. I like my A.I. to be customizable to my preferences. They fight, then fight some more and rarely heal. I died as Yuri a few times because Estelle don't wanna heal, she wanna fight. Bleh.

Aside from these named things(and a few others I'm sure are there), Tales of Vesperia is a solid RPG and good for hours of fun. : )



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Hmm...I have to say...after having played Tales of Vesperia, I'm rather disappointed with it. It's short for one. I buy Tales of games for lengthy stories, with 60-70+ hours of gameplay for story alone(like Abyss and Symphonia) and fun gameplay. Tales of Vesperia had adequate game play and failed in areas like a broken combat system where enemies will snap out of stagger in the middle of a combo and Over Limit during which you can still stagger.

I really don't mind the shortness, but the broken combat system really irritates me.


Liked Eternal Sonata better.

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I really enjoyed Tales of Vesperia, I didn't find the combat too bad and unlike most games in the genre it didn't have annoying characters and dreadful writing. It's my second favourite JRPG this gen after Lost Odyssey. I couldn't get into Eternal Sonata at all, I can't put my finger on exactly why but it just didn't grab me, I just turned it off one day and never went back to it.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ehh, I beat it yesterday and I guess that with Last Fencer, the whole stop staggering in the middle of combo thing is a moot point. Fail to stagger as much as you'd like, you'll be staggering a moment later...guaranteed.
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Ehh, I beat it yesterday and I guess that with Last Fencer, the whole stop staggering in the middle of combo thing is a moot point. Fail to stagger as much as you'd like, you'll be staggering a moment later...guaranteed.


I guess I didn't notice it much because I tended to use Rita a lot, I had to made sure she didn't do something stupid like cast Tidal Wave on water enemies.

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  • 2 months later...

Ah yes, "Tales of" series, I love them. Personally, I preferred Tales of Symphonia(probably because the gamecube controller pwns any other ever made).


(Sorry for reviving old thread, but it was still on the first page of "other systems" anyway.)

Edited by devilpengui
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