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the chosen one in the Mojave?


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Im going to go to the cemetary and see if I can get something to happen, because this is interesting.


It was about 5:30AM, I was standing with my back to where Benny would have been, facing the gully with all the rad scorpions, the water tower to my left. I think I was standing by the sign.

there was nothing there, I aimed (using a sniper rifle) fired 2 shots and heard him yell, which is why I was so surprised, because he appeared out of nowhere, and then vanished in a matter of seconds.


was early in the game, hadn't done any questing past Primm yet.


I have been trying to replicate it all night.. I messed up that save, so was loading one right before it and going through the same motions, but so far it hasn't worked. I don't know if it is a totally random thing, or scripted.

I did find on the vault one other person stating they saw him, and the description was basically the same as mine... didn't mention if he had a helmet on or not, but the power armor, etc was all there.

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Well, I did find something unusuall. This may mean something, or it might not have any signifigance at all. I approached the Yangzte Memorial (The huge cross) which is east of the goodsprings cemetary I believe. Anyway, when I approached it, this wierd music started playing. Never heard it before. It lasted for a few seconds then stopped. (btw badfrog, I replicated what you did, and I got nothing as well. However, I'm going to see if there are any Script Triggers on top of the Goodsprings cemetary. If there are, im going to have a look at there scripts. Maybe I can find something.
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did the music sound like flutes or something? I hear that every now and then it certain areas.


I looked at the map in the GECK and didn't see anything, no xmarkers, etc


is it possible to create an NPC that roams everywhere? doesn't have a trigger or spawn point? wanders around stealthed until it comes in contact with you?

I know... grasping at straws, just trying to consider all the possibilities

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The music wasn't a flute. It was different, that's all I can say. As to your question, I believe it possible to make a NPC roam. Just like the... well I guess it's an easter egg. Anyway, in Fallout 3, if you decide to destroy Vault 101, Amata escapes and you can find her with a group of Enclave anywhere on the map. It's random. I made a mod for Fallout 3 that adds Brotherhood patrols to the wasteland. They wander the entire map, no XMarkers, just a cleaver AI Package. This could easily be the case with the Chosen One. I dont know. Edited by falloutperson416
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