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Pay for mods? Can someone please tell me what's going on?!


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Mods should always be free. If you have to pay for them, they're no different from your regular DLCs, in sense.



And why is that? It should be an authors decision if it's free or not. You don't get to walk through a market and demand that an artist give you a picture from their stall for free.


If someone produces a product, and wants to charge for it, there is absolutely nothing wring with that (at least not in our economic system, but my problems with THAT are unrelated). If it's good, people will pay, if not, well, it's a wasted endeavour. If someone want's to produce something and not charge, that's their prerogative too. I have never charged for a painted miniature, or a drawing, or a tatoo (sketeches, not the actual inking) because i genuinely enjoy doing it. That doesn't mean i hold any ill regard for commissioned painters, artists and tatoo artists.


There ARE problems with what Valve is doing (and don't blame Bethesda for this one, this is almost entirely Valve, as its covering ALL their Steam mods) such as the actual ratio of money going to modders, and what they get to pocket. There are copyright issues that are poorly established, and some genuine concerns about quality control (although, that's just how the market works... Lets face it, Apple's produced crap with no quality control for a decade, and people sill buy it up).


But there is absolutely nothing wrong with offering a mechanism for which Modders can get paid, IF THEY CHOOSE, for the work they do.


"but there is absolutely nothing wrong with offering a mechanism for which Modders can get paid, IF THEY CHOOSE, for the work they do."


And here we have the crux of the problem. Saying mods should be free != modders should not be paid.


Now I am not going to say donations. An early access system on nexus where you can pay a few bucks to get the new version a month early though is an amazing idea. Paywalling a mod, 25% cut, no customer service... that is a bad idea.

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And why is that? It should be an authors decision if it's free or not. You don't get to walk through a market and demand that an artist give you a picture from their stall for free.


If someone produces a product, and wants to charge for it, there is absolutely nothing wring with that (at least not in our economic system, but my problems with THAT are unrelated). If it's good, people will pay, if not, well, it's a wasted endeavour. If someone want's to produce something and not charge, that's their prerogative too. I have never charged for a painted miniature, or a drawing, or a tatoo (sketeches, not the actual inking) because i genuinely enjoy doing it. That doesn't mean i hold any ill regard for commissioned painters, artists and tatoo artists.


There ARE problems with what Valve is doing (and don't blame Bethesda for this one, this is almost entirely Valve, as its covering ALL their Steam mods) such as the actual ratio of money going to modders, and what they get to pocket. There are copyright issues that are poorly established, and some genuine concerns about quality control (although, that's just how the market works... Lets face it, Apple's produced crap with no quality control for a decade, and people sill buy it up).


But there is absolutely nothing wrong with offering a mechanism for which Modders can get paid, IF THEY CHOOSE, for the work they do.



But you have to agree that this a real *censored* slap to us mod users too.

First we bought the game for 50$. Then, to get the mods working, we had to buy the most of the DLCs for 15$ each, and THEN we can use the mods which also require a payment.

The only real advantage of being PC player in games such as The Elders Scrolls is now gone.


Yeah I know, every author has the right to get paid for their hard work, and I'm not trying to argue against that. But what really pisses me off is how greedy Valve has become and their way of doing things, screwing us in the process. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the next thing they came up with were the Premium Steam account for 15$ monthly subscription.

Edited by Jordick
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but why would you pay for early access for a MOD not a game,just wait a month

Because there is a very short window when I can mass game before summer classes and the like, and if I am interested in a mod I would pay some money to the modders in exchange for having it now.


This has been done with video makers (Chuck from SFdebris for example) to outstanding success.

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For those in a panic about mods being removed from Nexus - a whopping 75 mods out of over 40,000 were removed ( 0.18%) - most based on a fear that their mod would be hijacked by someone else and put on steam. There has also been a LOT of false and confusing information posted on other sites by people who just don't have a clue.


Dark0ne has a post explaining his position, which is the only official position of the Nexus - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2798644-steam-service-providers-and-some-how-needing-to-clarify-the-nexus-stance-again/

PLEASE read all of it before panicking and making a fool of yourself.

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Yeah I know, every author has the right to get paid for their hard work, and I'm not trying to argue against that. But what really pisses me off is how greedy Valve has become and their way of doing things, screwing us in the process. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the next thing they came up with were the Premium Steam account for 15$ monthly subscription.



As someone who extensively uses mods, for many games, i don't see it that way. There are some risks associated with cost, yes, but that can be said for absolutely any pass time. Sports have registration fees on top of buying equipment, clubs have membership dues, many museums and galleries have entrance fees (despite being almost entirely subsidised by tax money anyway).


Everything you do is going to have a cost. That's the way the world works. I play Warhammer, and ever 3 years i have to (well, i don't HAVE to...) get a new codex just to continue playing with the models i already own, simply because the rules have moved on. Magic Cards, D&D, hell, even TV (pay-per-view movies? I already pay to have the Movie Network, why should i then have to pay to rent movies ON it?) everything has after-market costs.


There are far better ways to deal with this, yes. Particularly since Steam charges full price for new releases, despite absolutely no production costs for things like DvD's, manuals, shipping etc... However, it's the implementation that's the problem, not the idea.


Hell, Democracy is probably the worst idea we've tried implementing in the last 1000 years. Doesn't mean we aren't still trying to figure out how to make it work.

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Am I the only person here who had to take a step back and ask myself how there can be so much irrational behavior, finger pointing and fear, all for a VIDEO GAME and mods? Of course the steam forum is a cesspool of irrelevance, angry children, adults acting like children, flinging feces at one another.

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Am I the only person here who had to take a step back and ask myself how there can be so much irrational behavior, finger pointing and fear, all for a VIDEO GAME and mods?


Humans have spent thousands of years killing eachother over shiny rocks, and in the name of invisible magic men who live in the sky.


This s#*! storm doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

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Am I the only person here who had to take a step back and ask myself how there can be so much irrational behavior, finger pointing and fear, all for a VIDEO GAME and mods? Of course the steam forum is a cesspool of irrelevance, angry children, adults acting like children, flinging feces at one another.

People are scared. Valve just created a precedent that very few of us could have imagined:


Suppose a company, ElectronicSoft, wants to release day 1 DLC. They know they are going to get flak so instead they get a shell company: Ubigames to release the DLC as a paid "mod".
If they get flak, Electronicsoft can just say "Oh no, we are against Day1 DLC, but we fully support modders getting paid for their work".
As you can see, this problem is a whole lot larger than modders wanting some cash. This sets a bad precedent and for that reason must be stopped in it's tracks.
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This sets a bad precedent and for that reason must be stopped in it's tracks.



Stopped, absolutely not. Carefully considered and regulated to account for future problems? Yes.


Has Valve done the careful consideration? No, not really. Or at least if they have, they haven't shown any sign of it in the rules.

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