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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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I have very mixed feelings on this subject. Full disclosure I have never modded a game at least not to the extent that it's worth bragging about. But I have always been a huge mod player mostly beth games and minecraft. I think the biggest issue is the implementation I don't think getting a paid mod on the workshop shouldn't be as easy and clicking a checkbox on upload there should be a team at beth that play tests the mods and vets them for quality and then either approves or doesn't the mod that they have been submitted. I would feel far more comfortable with bethesda getting 30% if I knew they had a department of people working solely on that. Short of that the modders should get more around 70% of the profit because they literally do all of the work short of creating the engine itself. I generally don't like anything that isn't donation based though. I for one played a bootlegged copy of minecraft for probably 6 months before I decided to buy it. Same thing goes for fallout 3 and skyrim. I think that if your work is worth it then people will pay to see you continue. There have been some problems like this in the minecraft community the most recent one to come to mind is with a mod called magical crops whee the modder pay walled the updates to it. This will eventually resolve itself though I hope bethesda will take more community input for the next round of this because it seems with one fell swoop they shattered this community which is really sad I've always loved it.
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In response to post #24902284.

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It does matter. We're their customers. If they do something that upsets us, they may lose tons of money. Which is why the paid mods system has been taken out of workshop.
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In response to post #24736679. #24737664, #24747479, #24750714, #24755589, #24757064, #24772654, #24776964, #24818569, #24842684, #24874109 are all replies on the same post.

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Only that has been shown to be false in the real market again and again. Their are several non-profit restaurants that have shown that people are generally good and will pay people for services that they value. For example the Non-Profit Panera Restaurant has shown in a recent report that roughly 60% of people pay the suggested cost of what they eat were 20% pay more then what is suggested and the other 20% pay less or nothing. Ultimately it balances out for them. Now not all of the businesses see that it works out like that, some fail and some succeeded and that's not all the different from mods being popular or remaining obscure forever. but a business has many other factors that clue into success or failure out side of the clients paying for the service. So the similarities start to end once you look beyond the customer end of the business.

My point is that your assumption that people want free things is more or less false. When the service is worth it to the person they will be more then happy to pay. So how does this apply to mods? Have a donations button and a suggested price listed next to it based on work done and a mind for what the consumer would be able to easily pay. Modders would be able to see a lot of mileage out of such practices I would think.

Edit: this was in reply to statments made by Crashloop and UberSmaug Edited by SaraphanLord
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In response to post #24902284. #24923579 is also a reply to the same post.

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Bethesda could initially make all modding commercial. I think they already lost millions on illegal mods distributing. So they just trying to establish some rules. IMHO.
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In response to post #24902284. #24923579, #24936029 are all replies on the same post.

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"Illegal mods distributing"? You're going to have to explain that one. I don't think we have the same view as to just how much modders owe the game devs and just how much the game devs should be paid for a modder's work (whether the modder wants a profit or not).
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In response to post #24902284. #24923579, #24936029, #25030789 are all replies on the same post.

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I think there are TESModders, TESTalkers and TESScum in current TES"Community". The Scums are the most numerous and aggressive, though they contribute nothing and seems never played this game.

I'd wish the Scums no longer exist, though seems it's impossible till far.

@Xactar It's not a bad idea to remember the past. They say, there is no future without it) Edited by Mur_Zik
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