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Become a Bard from steam workshop REPLACEMENT!


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Alright due to the new Steam Workshop pay for mod system I am removing any Mod from steam. However I don't know where I can get Become a Bard from other than the workshop. I love going around Role Playing a bard singing for my supper/bed for the night. With all the other immersion mods I have it a real treat.


However to my personal protest I am now divided. Remove one of my favorite mods or just keep that one. I figure if enough people stop using the steam workshop for mods they might get the idea it was a bad idea.


So can anyone point me to where I can get it without the workshop or can one of you bright Modders out there get LP to post here or get his/her okay to post.


Heck make one that does similar functions maybe have odd jobs instead of just bards. Maybe do a simple quest for the Innkeeper for a nights stay. Run to some place and get X amount of supplies. "Yeah we are running low of venison. How about you go hunt down a deer or two and you can have the room for a night."

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Or you could just download it from the non-Steam direct download link that's listed right there on the description page. And, then, you know, bookmark that site. Using Steam is completely optional, always has been since the day the mod was uploaded there.

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Thanks it been so long sense I read the whole description I forgot about the download link.


I have to say again I LOVE this mod. Thanks so much for putting the work into it (guessing you are the same LP on steam LP1). If not... well thanks for the tip about the download.


Still be an interesting mod to do some kind of Odd Jobs for stores and vendors. I think up some ideas maybe make another post.

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I'm actually about two thirds of the way through a mod called "Become a Merchant" that does just that (well, in a way--you start out as a lowly store cloak in a choice of crafts). But I've been working on it on and off for years, literally, and I don't know if I will ever finish it TBH. You can probably even find old posts about it here on the forums.


The good thing is that all this controversy around Skyrim has reminded me how much I enjoyed Skyrim and drawn me back into it. So, who knows. Maybe after I get a little ways into this new playthrough I just started, I will fire up the CK again. That's usually how it goes. I can never actually get very far into the game itself.


Edit: Just to clarify, if I ever do release BaM, it will be free, just like BaB.

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