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So tired of the hate and fearmongering


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I'm pretty much done with this garbage. On one hand you've got a group that supports paid mods stating that modders should be able to make money off of their work......while Valve and Bethesda claim all the dosh without any work on their part.


On the other hand you have a group advocating free mods with the argument that mods have always been free and need to remain that way......and then vilify any author that even thinks of trying to make some cash and then run them out of the community.


Then there is the third party advocating donation buttons.......but lets be honest here folks....the majority of people that suggest that will usually never donate a single cent to the author.


In short? This whole 'war' is BS and everyone needs to grow the hell up.

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Not everyone is hateful in the Skyrim community, don't judge the entire community for a few rotten apples that send death threats.

I know not everyone is hateful. I have met some amazing and wonderful people here that I now consider my friends. But it still depresses the crap out of me to be around the hate, and since they are the ones that scream the loudest to make themselves heard, it is hard to ignore. Hopefully in a few weeks, this will have calmed down, and maybe by then one of my new mods will be ready to post, and I can do a few updates to the old one.

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I myself have been a fan to the flame. One thing is sure, the mod community is now split, it's almost like in Skyrim. The problem is, trying to come here, or on beth's forums doesn't help. It's apparently too soon to mend this wound. There's always one person who will reignite the flame. I'm definitely no better than you in that I myself act out of spite of something. The death of Skyrim modding is not going to be because free modders turned to paid modders, it's going to be because the community is fast losing interest in the game. I even quit playing Skyrim. I moved on to other games where the communities are not constantly at each other's throats.


The sad truth is, this game was once a bastion of escape, where people could worry-free remove themselves from their troubles. Now it's just another emotional toll. This is why I hate the paywall, and I hate Valve. I mean, the more people argue, the more entrenched and alienated the sides become. People who think they're being a voice of reason on either side end up giving more ammunition to everyone.



Ahh, therein lies the problem. I don't think that either side is right. Not 100% anyway. This game is great, I have enjoyed since I first got it, and started using mods on my second play-through, and then started making mods shortly after that. I am slow at it, but meh


I think Valve is screwing everyone over, and I think their whole setup sucks. I think this was a horrible idea. At the same time I think that some modders should have the option to be compensated, considering if you spend 1000 hours working on something, it would be nice if someone at least bought you a cup of coffee. I think it would be better if Nexus implemented something like....as annoying as it would be. "watch this ad, and a portion of the revenue goes to the mod author." That is not a serious suggestion, it is just something I pulled out of the air now. Though I know it would be possible to implement, it could get awkward. But I am one of those weirdo's who specifically turn off my adblocker for the Nexus...as much as I hate their adds, they provide a service I appreciate, so I just leave my headphones off and try to ignore them.


Argh! Crud! The whole system is screwed up, but no one seems to want to fix it, they just want to argue about who is right. The problem is that no one is completely right, and no one is completely wrong. But what bothers me is the harassment and hate that people are flinging around. And now we have modders who have provided us with awesome content for years who have been harassed and have left for an undetermined amount of time (I am not talking about me, I mean people who do awesome mods like Chesko and Isoku). I saw mods over in the pay area by a few other really popular people, but no one seems to be flaming them, so I am not even sure what the criteria for the hatred is anymore.

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On a side note I think the people here are pretty selfless, even those who do the work for themselves and share.

I wanted to thank you for what ya'll do.


You are very welcome. I appreciate that.

And I know what you mean about dependencies. I know that SkyUI will be putting a new version up behind the paywall...but at least most of the current mods should still run on the old version, since that is what they were based on. In fact, depending on how the scripts are written, they may not work on the new version. It gets a little confusing.

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I agree the trolls have gone waaaayyy overboard and it's shameful the way some mod users have turned on mod makers. Too few are speaking any sense, what we've got is 17 mods behind the paywall, so what? SkyUI 5 will go that way (atm) but 4.1 will remain freely available and was the final release anyway up until this debacle.


It's easy to resolve, don't use the Workshop (who the hell does anyway?) don't upload mods to the Workshop and don't buy mods from it. Just leave the Workshop to wither and die.


Users donate to the mods you all know you should donate to because they're essential to your play throughs and are the reason you still play Skyrim. Show the mod makers some respect and appreciation and that it's better for them to stay on Nexus.


Galadreal, I don't blame you if you'd rather not be around this sh$tstorm and reading back through this thread and some comments I wouldn't either. Hopefully once it's died down we can get back to the more pressing concerns of which texture or follower mod is better and you'll be happy to participate again.

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