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So tired of the hate and fearmongering


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No one will care. I already know this. But at the same time, I am sure i cannot be the only one. I am so sick of hearing all the hate and vehemence spewed right now. Do I like what Valve is doing.? No. Do I think everyone will get screwed over in this? YES! Do I in any way endorse all the spite and crap flying around on Nexus at the moment. HELL TO THE NO!


I cannot even come on, and look for new cool mods without being bombarded with all the spiteful piles of crap. All these mods that are being released right now as some kind of half assed protests...It is bull. If people put half as much effort into trying to produce good mods as they do into feeling butthurt, then this community could be great. But so many people are just being mean and spiteful and selfish. And if you get bent out of shape by my saying that...then congratulations, you are probably one of them.


Until this crap blows over, I am taking down my mods. They will not deleted, just hidden. I don't want to be part of a community that spreads this much vitriol, and I don't want to have to come here and try to help people or correct bug issues if I am going to see all this hatred and fighting.


Too much fear-mongering, too much hate-mongering, just too much of people getting bent out of shape and acting like the whole damned world will come crashing down over 1 thing. There is more to life than modding. There is more to life than Skyrim. And I am gonna go do some of that now.



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I'm totally with you!


Not liking paid mods is fine (actually I dont like them, coz imho the disadvantages prevail), discussing it, even with a bit of temper is fine.


But those overreacting what happens right now is absolute disgusting.

All those trolling, threatening, spamming and insulting what actually happens is a total nogo.


Wrote already a text in the "paid mods for Skyrim" Topic (page 27) at this whole topic (but beware, looong text from a not native speaker ;) ) also addressing those behavior which we actually can see on different places.


I'm so sick of it right now.

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So you punish the ones that didn't spread any hate by taking down your mods. What?


It is not punishment. I make mods for myself, if other people want them then they can use them. But I don't want anyone else to download them, and then have problems that I am not around to answer. I cannot in good conscience leave them up if I am not able to provide support for them. If you already have them, and you run into a problem feel free to PM me...but It is night right to anyone else for me to leave them up if I am not here to provide assistance in case of conflicts of bugs.

Edited by Galadreal
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It is not the most fair judgement to call people out then say if that upsets anyone else that we are part of the problem, when you yourself are doing that. But they are your mods, so do as you wish.

If you have been spreading hate and fear, then you are part of the problem. The only people who can be part of the solution are the ones doing it, if they stop being hateful, or the admins if they want to step in. I am simply removing myself from the equation.

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I don't think it's been as bad here on the nexus as elsewhere. I've read a lot in different forums and while there are some getting carried away here, it's not the majority. I'm pretty confident it will all cool down in time. I am interested to see how it all turns out.


I'm in the middle of a playthrough right now so I'm not looking to change my mod setup but when that time comes (probably months from now) I wonder if things will have changed all that much. I always ignored the workshop anyway. I think (hope) the nexus community will be fine.

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I cannot even come on, and look for new cool mods without being bombarded with all the spiteful piles of crap. All these mods that are being released right now as some kind of half assed protests...It is bull. If people put half as much effort into trying to produce good mods as they do into feeling butthurt, then this community could be great. But so many people are just being mean and spiteful and selfish. And if you get bent out of shape by my saying that...then congratulations, you are probably one of them.




I underlined the hypocritical part in case my previous post wasn't clear enough.

Edited by Levantinium
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To Galadreal you are right on point with what you said. I couldn't agree more that the modding community needs to calm down, think before they speak and act, and apologize for the hateful things they've said and for the bullying they have been part of. I would also like to submit that if anyone who reads this post & thread that has not seen Gopher's #MODGATE video, go and watch it. Everything he said was spot on and was exactly what the modding community needed to hear in light of the pay for mods on Steam situataion.


The video is below. Now go and grab a coffee or some food and just listen to his proper, respectual, rational, and mature prespective on what is going on in the modding community regarding paying for mods on the Steam Workshop.


Edited by dovahgee
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