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Chairmen quest ideas?


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I'd like to design some quests the Courier can do for the Chairmen, and other than run-of-the-mill fetch quests, I'm having trouble kickstarting my brain into thinking of any. What do you think would be an interesting thing to do for them? Conversely, what would you hate? Any thoughts?

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The Chairmen have a vested interest in getting people to visit NV; they're all about the $$. (Benny's comment about what nomads don't have stands out here.) So they also want to keep it accessible and safe.
Maybe a group of bandits sets up camp outside the city, targeting potential visitors. As usual nobody's got the time or the ability to get rid of them... except the Courier.
Courier can:
  • just open fire on them all, OR
  • intimidate them into leaving, OR
  • recruit them as a clean up crew, keeping other similar groups from setting up shop.


Ghouls seem to be rare in NV-- maybe Swank (or whoever) decides they might be worth encouraging as customers... and so Ghouls' Night In is established! Half-price drinks for all ghouls!


...except it doesn't quite work, since they can't seem to get any ghouls to show. So the Courier gets to see if he can't coax a few to attend.


#3 Whisky Didn't Kill the Pain

Bootleggers are trying to force NV casinos to buy only from them. Some of them are just assholes, but others are business people trying to make a living. Courier gets to evaluate them and decide who's legit and who isn't.

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-assassinations: killing omerta/white glove gang members, killing nostalgic chairmen like in the 'all roads' comic, or just generally killing prominent NCR or legion figures, or even just random people throughout the Mojave and taking certain items from them. Like when Benny takes the platinum chip from the player and tries to kill them, preferably with a posse of goons

-drugs R bad, M'kay: intimidating or persuading certain chairmen members from using chems, and poison their chems or kill them stealthily if they refuse, also like the 'all roads' comic.

-faction interactions: steal from the kings in freeside. Get energy guns from the Van Graff in freeside to arm the chairmen preparing for the second battle of Hoover dam, either by theft or buying them with your own money. Trading resources and ammo with the khans.

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  • Putting up billboard advertisements? You'll need to script the billboards to change textures upon activation, but in quest concept you have to put up 2-3 advertisements for the Chairmens' Tops Casino.

You have to bribe NCR commanders at the Majove Outpost, in order to smuggle goods into New Vegas. In fact, you could make a whole mafia style quest chain where you just go around bribing people for the Chairmen.

This is a fun idea... you have to be a Mob Enforcer. They give you a baseball bat, take you into a backroom, and let you go to work on a casino card counter. Or, maybe, they take you out onto Lake Mead and you get to kill someone Godfather style.

Maybe they hire you to rob another casino, and you can make it into this whole big heist affair.

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Great ideas! Thank you! I'd love to implement a bunch of these-- I'll have to see how many my limited scripting skills can make work :), and I'll definitely give credit for the ideas for the ones I use. Thanks!

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