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antimagic mod, stop enemy magic


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hi I was wondering is there any mods that add antimagic spells or items or abilities to the game? what I mean by this is things like



spells/items/abilites that when used on magic users it removes any magic effects they have on themself or around the area.


spells/items/abilites that drain enemy magic and possibly their health as well and also maybe prevent them from using magic


spells/items/abilites that unsummon things and dispel magic aoe




i remember dragon age had templars which specialzied in antimagic abilites to stop enemies from using magic at all or on the templars



anyone know any mods like this or would be willing to make one

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Recipe for creating an Anti-Mage:

1. Play as a Breton

2. Install the Armor Padding Kits mod

3. Have your character craft the Armor Padding for spell absorbtion, then equip it under any armor

4. Have your character visit and activate the Lord Stone

5. Optional: Have your character find or purchase an additional ring or necklace of Resist Magic

6. Optional: Have your character specialize in either archery or melee combat. Mages do not hold up to physical damage very well....

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