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Are you for real Midas Magic?


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It is a Legit post from the unfortunate Midas Magic Evolved team that happened to get caught in the blast radius of my mistakes. Here's what I posted on the thread.




So, First this post is from the Midas Magic Evolved team. Not me. It's a different, unaffiliated mod. They picked up development when I dropped out when my son was born. They don't deserve the hate, this is on me. I've been talking to them since the NDA has been lifted about releasing all the new content I created to them as well.

Second, I'm sorry. Bethesda reached out to me (twice) and it appeared to all of us that this was a good idea instead of a terrible mistake. Valve is killing the program and refunding the money. They may still pay those of us who contributed. If they do, I'm giving it to charity, split between American Cancer Society and my local church.

The pop-up message, also a bad idea. It has always been my intent to have a free version of Midas Magic available. When Steam released the paid mods, I also released an update to the free one as well with 5 of the 20 new spells available. I wanted to make sure that if anyone switched between the free version or the paid (upgrade or refund), that it wouldn't break their saves and they could keep playing.

To make this happen, I left all the new spells that were in the Gold Edition also in the Free one. I removed them from the spells books and they aren't advertised as officially part of the Mod. But they're buried in the Free version.

So as to not cheat the Paying Customers On a few of the better Spells, I put in some code that displays a notice occasionally asking that they buy the mod. Dumb Idea, I didn't consider the number of folks that would PSB and not see the difference. I took it out but by then it was too late.

So, I'm sorry. I actually applied for a job at Bethesda years ago and didn't get it. So when they reached out to me it was an opportunity to prove myself. The money was not the objective to me. I still thank them and Valve for the consideration.

I'm not posting this for sympathy. I'm posting to take ownership of my mistakes. Hopefully this also helps the community get past it.
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It is a Legit post from the unfortunate Midas Magic Evolved team that happened to get caught in the blast radius of my mistakes. Here's what I posted on the thread.




So, First this post is from the Midas Magic Evolved team. Not me. It's a different, unaffiliated mod. They picked up development when I dropped out when my son was born. They don't deserve the hate, this is on me. I've been talking to them since the NDA has been lifted about releasing all the new content I created to them as well.


Second, I'm sorry. Bethesda reached out to me (twice) and it appeared to all of us that this was a good idea instead of a terrible mistake. Valve is killing the program and refunding the money. They may still pay those of us who contributed. If they do, I'm giving it to charity, split between American Cancer Society and my local church.


The pop-up message, also a bad idea. It has always been my intent to have a free version of Midas Magic available. When Steam released the paid mods, I also released an update to the free one as well with 5 of the 20 new spells available. I wanted to make sure that if anyone switched between the free version or the paid (upgrade or refund), that it wouldn't break their saves and they could keep playing.


To make this happen, I left all the new spells that were in the Gold Edition also in the Free one. I removed them from the spells books and they aren't advertised as officially part of the Mod. But they're buried in the Free version.


So as to not cheat the Paying Customers On a few of the better Spells, I put in some code that displays a notice occasionally asking that they buy the mod. Dumb Idea, I didn't consider the number of folks that would PSB and not see the difference. I took it out but by then it was too late.


So, I'm sorry. I actually applied for a job at Bethesda years ago and didn't get it. So when they reached out to me it was an opportunity to prove myself. The money was not the objective to me. I still thank them and Valve for the consideration.


I'm not posting this for sympathy. I'm posting to take ownership of my mistakes. Hopefully this also helps the community get past it.



I think it's very easy to hate, not so easy to see someone else's position. I honestly don't know what I'd think if Bethesda and Valve contacted me about a mod I had written, certainly flattered. The problem with the gaming community is there is a very young element to it, and young is rarely synonymous with wisdom, hence all the vitriol, name calling, and in the case of Chesko actual threats against him. Childish but cooler heads will prevail.


It's a stand-up thing to publicly admit your mistakes and take ownership of them. Good luck in the future.

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It is a Legit post from the unfortunate Midas Magic Evolved team that happened to get caught in the blast radius of my mistakes. Here's what I posted on the thread.




So, First this post is from the Midas Magic Evolved team. Not me. It's a different, unaffiliated mod. They picked up development when I dropped out when my son was born. They don't deserve the hate, this is on me. I've been talking to them since the NDA has been lifted about releasing all the new content I created to them as well.


Second, I'm sorry. Bethesda reached out to me (twice) and it appeared to all of us that this was a good idea instead of a terrible mistake. Valve is killing the program and refunding the money. They may still pay those of us who contributed. If they do, I'm giving it to charity, split between American Cancer Society and my local church.


The pop-up message, also a bad idea. It has always been my intent to have a free version of Midas Magic available. When Steam released the paid mods, I also released an update to the free one as well with 5 of the 20 new spells available. I wanted to make sure that if anyone switched between the free version or the paid (upgrade or refund), that it wouldn't break their saves and they could keep playing.


To make this happen, I left all the new spells that were in the Gold Edition also in the Free one. I removed them from the spells books and they aren't advertised as officially part of the Mod. But they're buried in the Free version.


So as to not cheat the Paying Customers On a few of the better Spells, I put in some code that displays a notice occasionally asking that they buy the mod. Dumb Idea, I didn't consider the number of folks that would PSB and not see the difference. I took it out but by then it was too late.


So, I'm sorry. I actually applied for a job at Bethesda years ago and didn't get it. So when they reached out to me it was an opportunity to prove myself. The money was not the objective to me. I still thank them and Valve for the consideration.


I'm not posting this for sympathy. I'm posting to take ownership of my mistakes. Hopefully this also helps the community get past it.



While I personally do not hold it against you, as I found the entire pop up thing more hilarious than anything because I couldn't believe someone actually thought about doing that.


However, I can't believe you actually thought it would be a good idea to put pop ups in a mod. No one likes pop ups.


Anyway, I forgive you. I would help you guys if I knew more about the CK, but I have not done any modding for Skyrim specifically.

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It is a Legit post from the unfortunate Midas Magic Evolved team that happened to get caught in the blast radius of my mistakes. Here's what I posted on the thread.




So, First this post is from the Midas Magic Evolved team. Not me. It's a different, unaffiliated mod. They picked up development when I dropped out when my son was born. They don't deserve the hate, this is on me. I've been talking to them since the NDA has been lifted about releasing all the new content I created to them as well.


Second, I'm sorry. Bethesda reached out to me (twice) and it appeared to all of us that this was a good idea instead of a terrible mistake. Valve is killing the program and refunding the money. They may still pay those of us who contributed. If they do, I'm giving it to charity, split between American Cancer Society and my local church.


The pop-up message, also a bad idea. It has always been my intent to have a free version of Midas Magic available. When Steam released the paid mods, I also released an update to the free one as well with 5 of the 20 new spells available. I wanted to make sure that if anyone switched between the free version or the paid (upgrade or refund), that it wouldn't break their saves and they could keep playing.


To make this happen, I left all the new spells that were in the Gold Edition also in the Free one. I removed them from the spells books and they aren't advertised as officially part of the Mod. But they're buried in the Free version.


So as to not cheat the Paying Customers On a few of the better Spells, I put in some code that displays a notice occasionally asking that they buy the mod. Dumb Idea, I didn't consider the number of folks that would PSB and not see the difference. I took it out but by then it was too late.


So, I'm sorry. I actually applied for a job at Bethesda years ago and didn't get it. So when they reached out to me it was an opportunity to prove myself. The money was not the objective to me. I still thank them and Valve for the consideration.


I'm not posting this for sympathy. I'm posting to take ownership of my mistakes. Hopefully this also helps the community get past it.



Xilver, neither you or your team deserve hate and never did. You made a choice. Not a bad choice, not a mistake, but a choice and just because a few of us louder voices disagreed with that choice and the result was that feature being removed, it doesn't make us right or wrong, just as it doesn't make you right or wrong.


If I had the skills, whether it was your project or your team's, I would not hesitate to help you because whether we agree or not, you and I are a part of this community and the real shame/joke are those of us who think they have the right to try to make you feel guilty for wanting compensation while declaring we will not be guilted into paying for mods.


As someone pointed out, a great deal of the negativity and hate thrown your way is do to our younger element, but just know, not all of us are holding a grudge. Not all of us, simply because we disagreed with your choice, believe that all the time and effort you did give to us free of charge is null and void suddenly.


And I appreciate your apology, but I also apologize to you and every other modder of our community for the poor way in which we handled this potential change and the absolute abysmal way we reacted to some of your decisions. You, like many other modders, have given us a lot and nothing will erase that for me and so I thank you, and every other mod/modder regardless as to their position, participation, or lack thereof in the events that have taken place recently.


You didn't betray us, we betrayed you and you have my deepest apologies for that.

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