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fallout new vegas vs fallout 3


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You've probably already bought, played and forgotten Fallout New Vegas by now but i wanna voice my opinion on the two games in any case... The only other games i've played through to completion are the Splinter Cell series & XIII so i'm no hardened gamer but fallout 3 is just something else, I'm obsessed with it, so much so it's unhealthy. The atmospherics & the environs that the Bethesda team created is breathtaking. I keep coming back for more.. I cant stop.. Help..!


So naturally looked forward to New Vegas coming out.. but what a let down.! The game is definately more slick on certain fronts; well graphics, dialogue & the ability of disguise, but it has no atmosphere, the music is poor & uses a lot of F3's background music, the environs are poor - and the Vegas strip is pitifully anticlimactic. Why have they produced such a drab follow up?


So i dragged myself through about half of NV and then couldn't take any more of the tedium so sacked it off and headed back to DC to continue exploring a real wasteland.

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No one can tell you. You have to play it yourself. Overall i would not rate as must-have, but if you play it, it might be you like it more then fallout 3. ^^ PS: That the music is bad, is no real argument for me, since there are many radio mods and you can make one yourself aswell. Edited by Nadimos
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If you like fallout 3 and oblivion so much there's isn't really much left besides fallout new vegas besides fable II. If you're into fantasy i should play fable II first it's a marvelous game. But apart from that fallout new vegas. Diffucult question i was finished playing oblivion and i had the same urge i wanted something similar. Oblivion i played 250 hours +.


After roaming around and playing some crap i started new vegas because apart from some negative sidemarks here and there people think of it as a good game. I must say it's a different feeling and still the same, because it's actually the same game as fallout 3 some things are different. There's a lot more to vegas like companions, you can start immediately in the wasteland without being in the vault first. The feeling of the game is different in a way like you feel society has already build some thing up since the nuclear war as in fallout 3 it seems that the war hasn't been as long ago.


New vegas really shows this , allthough it's probably preserved from before the war the casinos look pretty good inside. Nothing new has been built though or it was with old parts. Factory's don't exist.


Fallout 3 had some better storyline though and had better quests well let me say new vegas has just as good quests as fallout 3 but fallout 3 has more of them.

Some parts of the storyline of fallout 3 are more detailed. Like you can learn a lot more about supermutants and how they live among the humans, the not-smoothskins are somewhat more explored too. The ncr are still there and there a lot more new players too the field. There are new animals too allthough the old one are still there. You have a lot more gangs.


So it's actually fallout 3 revisited but later in time (in the game) and everything is a lot more in depth. I have played for about 70 hours now and sometimes the game get's somewhat boring but that's only after playing 10 hours straight or maybe some parts in the game. Especially the beginning can be really frustrating because you wan't to get to new vegas and the environment looks like fallout 3 and you want to see new things.


You just think when starting you won't see nothing new (because you've played out fallout 3). This is totally not true though. You also can't really manage to fight big monsters (you can barely manage small ones) and if you rush for new vegas you will encouter them because you want to see the new stuff. Just be patient and go with the flow, you won't be dissapointed.

Allthough i rushed for new vegas and i actually got there pretty fast but getting into new vegas is a different story and the settlements around new vegas is pretty boring. I actually quit the game at this point only to continue later on. So with rushing to new vegas i almost ruined the game for me.


New vegas is also just a l part off the map and there a lot more to it than just new vegas. It does stand out because it's well , technology and civilization inside an apocalyptic wastelnad. But the wasteland is dozens, if not hundreds of times bigger than new vegas. The map of fallout feels pretty big allthough not like oblivion big but i haven't finished the game yet so i'm not sure.


Anyhow you won't be dissapoint but like i said before if you haven't played fable II you're missing out.

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Fallout 3 was perfect! New Vegas was just to slow starting and honestly I was tired of playing the Fallout series half way through NV.


I played FO2 before 3 came out and I loved the whole idea of the game. When Oblivion came out and they announced FO3 and I saw it looked like Oblivion, I was over joyed. Of course it is just me talking, everyone has a different opinion. If you really like the fallout 3 game and want an "expansion" play NV, otherwise I would not really bother for a while.

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Fallout 3 was perfect! New Vegas was just to slow starting and honestly I was tired of playing the Fallout series half way through NV.


I played FO2 before 3 came out and I loved the whole idea of the game. When Oblivion came out and they announced FO3 and I saw it looked like Oblivion, I was over joyed. Of course it is just me talking, everyone has a different opinion. If you really like the fallout 3 game and want an "expansion" play NV, otherwise I would not really bother for a while.


Lol this is creepy, i was just wandering the thread and i saw this topic and it looked kinda interesting. Since i'm playing new vegas now i thought i reply on this and give a sort of review on fallout new vegas not knowing i started this thread myself a month ago . LOOOL

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You've probably already bought, played and forgotten Fallout New Vegas by now but i wanna voice my opinion on the two games in any case... The only other games i've played through to completion are the Splinter Cell series & XIII so i'm no hardened gamer but fallout 3 is just something else, I'm obsessed with it, so much so it's unhealthy. The atmospherics & the environs that the Bethesda team created is breathtaking. I keep coming back for more.. I cant stop.. Help..!


So naturally looked forward to New Vegas coming out.. but what a let down.! The game is definately more slick on certain fronts; well graphics, dialogue & the ability of disguise, but it has no atmosphere, the music is poor & uses a lot of F3's background music, the environs are poor - and the Vegas strip is pitifully anticlimactic. Why have they produced such a drab follow up?


So i dragged myself through about half of NV and then couldn't take any more of the tedium so sacked it off and headed back to DC to continue exploring a real wasteland.


im feel the same way. i loved fallout 3 (note i played on PS3) for its environment, the music, the feel of the game. i liked looking under a bridge and seeing the remnants of a camp someone had built trying to survive. looking in a house and seeing a family sitting at the table with their last meal. i could go on all day. there was soo much emotion and environment to the game of course i was gunna get NV. ive had it since release day in october, its now february and i think i have 3 or 4 hours tops in it. i just cant get into it. it doesnt have the same post apocalyptic feel to it. the music is HORRIBLE. the gambeling is boring from what ive done, i have no need to do it and its confusing, creating ammo and whatnot is all a pain in the ass to me. makes the game less fun. its cool to see the armor and everything mean something, but this early in the game i can make/buy like 4 armor piercing bullets and i have no chance against anything with armor. sure its a little more realistic. but takes the fun out of it. because i dont know who i am, and because there is no story in the beginning i dont give a crap about myself or anyone ive met. from what i heard they had complaints about how slow the beginning of FO3 was and they didnt wanna do that in FONV. idk who was telling them that, but it was a horrible idea. the story in the beginning in the Vault, albeit slow, set the mood for the whole game. you had a reason for everything. you were trying to find your dad and it only got more complex and cooler the further u went on and the more you found out. you got tangled in the feux government and the heros of the wastelands and different groups who has been surviving out there from the ghouls to the rick in Tenpenny to the slavers and the kids at lamplight to big town to the republic of dave. EVERY place felt like a real place. another group of people getting together to survive just like what would happen if real ppl were in that situation. but now ur just some dude trying to do something cause u got shot.


in the end i liked FO3 way better then FONV, though i have yet to barely start NV. also im soon selling my PS3 version of NV and im gunna get it for PC. i recently got into mods with Dragon Age, so i wanna see what the modding community has for an amazing game like fallout, and hopefully it can make my NV treck a little more enjoyable. however ill try to finish NV once before i go into mods.



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I haven't played either one, but I'm more interested in New Vegas than the third, mostly because I've heard more bad than good things about Fallout 3, and because NV was developed by people who have been making the original games.


I can't even imagine with a game as popular and well reviewed as FO3 that you have heard more bad than good. Personally I think FO3 vanilla is the best and most detailed game I've ever played, with mods nothing else even comes close. I'd seriously give it a try if your into RPGs at all.

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I haven't played either one, but I'm more interested in New Vegas than the third, mostly because I've heard more bad than good things about Fallout 3, and because NV was developed by people who have been making the original games.


I can't even imagine with a game as popular and well reviewed as FO3 that you have heard more bad than good. Personally I think FO3 vanilla is the best and most detailed game I've ever played, with mods nothing else even comes close. I'd seriously give it a try if your into RPGs at all.

Fallout 3 does get a lot of hate. Mostly because it's overrated, there's RPGS that are arguably better like stalker and deus ex that received lower scores. Bad story, bad developers, bad voice acting, oblivion with guns, etc.

It's like the call of duty for RPGS. "casual"


Mods really are what make it so f***ing amazing.

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New Vegas is basically FO3 with a diffrent setting and story. Weapon mods and diffrent ammo types were what I missed, when I replayed FO3. Still, NV doesn't have that "wow" factor that FO3 had, at least for me. Like Sinophile mentioned, it's more of an expansion. It's too bad it isn't though - merging NV and FO3 somehow would be a pretty good game.


I personally enojyed the game very much. There are quite a number of ways that Fallout 3 is superior to NV, but that doesn't make the game any less good.

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