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Unable to access site from home


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I'm having an issue accessing the site from my home internet connection, everywhere else is fine. But as of about 2 or 3 weeks ago i have been unable to access the site.


i am currently accessing the forums from a proxy and as you can see i log in just fine so i know it wasn't wrongfully banned (can't be banned if you never post or comment)


If i had to take a stab in the dark, i'm going to guess you banned someone who had my IP and than i DCHP'd it after i had lost internet for 2 days.

If you need anything from me to resolve this issue PM me, I'll check back through the proxy every day or so.

Edited by hellbringer616
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is the issue on multiple devices? also ive had my ip used as a fake ip before and can cause that sort of thing to happen. also did you try calling your internet provider and asking about any issues that may be going on? sorry if it didnt help much but ive seen it happen before and those were a few solutions ive seen used.

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There are a very few ISPs that will block gaming sites for various reasons. One that I know of is a fundamentalist college. They require their students to use a proprietary program that blocks many sites they disprove of. Are you using any program that bocks anything at all? Then many businesses block sites they catch employees wasting time on. Some 'open' wifi sites at restaurants and other businesses may also block some sites. If somehow you got caught up in a block through your ISP that could be a reason. Try asking if there is any block first.

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There are a very few ISPs that will block gaming sites for various reasons. One that I know of is a fundamentalist college. They require their students to use a proprietary program that blocks many sites they disprove of. Are you using any program that bocks anything at all? Then many businesses block sites they catch employees wasting time on. Some 'open' wifi sites at restaurants and other businesses may also block some sites. If somehow you got caught up in a block through your ISP that could be a reason. Try asking if there is any block first.



Comcast only blocks port 25, and filters out no IP's, my friend down the street, Who also has Comcast, can access the site just fine. I have no software or hardware on my network that filters sites, I am my own network admin. As i am the one who pays the bill :P


So i cannot attached behind the proxy, So i'll have to throw the log into my post.


Tracing route to nexusmods.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  unknown []
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3    16 ms    10 ms     7 ms
  4    18 ms    18 ms    16 ms  te-9-3-ur02.stclairshors.mi.michigan.comcast.net
  5    43 ms    43 ms    40 ms  be-33668-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net [6]
  6    39 ms    38 ms    37 ms  c-eth-0-3-0-pe05.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net
  7    38 ms    37 ms    40 ms  as6461.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net [66.208.2
  8    38 ms    42 ms    44 ms  ae14.cr2.ord2.us.zip.zayo.com []
  9    36 ms    39 ms    35 ms  v22.ae29.cr2.lga5.us.zip.zayo.com [
 10    37 ms    41 ms    55 ms  ae1.cr1.lga5.us.zip.zayo.com []
 11   106 ms   104 ms   102 ms  ae3.mpr3.lhr3.uk.zip.zayo.com []
 12   105 ms   103 ms   106 ms  ae6.mpr2.lhr3.uk.zip.zayo.com []
 13   101 ms   104 ms   102 ms  wow-em2.th.core.thebunker.net []

 14    99 ms   103 ms   108 ms  eth4-1.thn-bgp-2.thn.core.thebunker.net [37.200.
 15   103 ms   101 ms   101 ms  tengeth2-1.thn-bgp-1.thn.core.thebunker.net [213
 16   104 ms   123 ms   109 ms  tengeth2-2.ash-bgp-2.ash.core.thebunker.net [213
 17   116 ms   118 ms   110 ms  eth2-2.ash-pe-1.ash.core.thebunker.net [37.200.1
 18     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 20     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 21     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 22     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 23     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Trace complete.
Edited by hellbringer616
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Is the IP address you're posting with the same one that can't access the sites or is it a proxy IP address? If it's a proxy IP address please send me your actual IP address, without the proxy, in a PM (or share it here if you don't mind people knowing).

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This is unrelated to the site, However, maybe someone here may have some ideas on what you can do.


Do you have a static or dynamic IP? If it is dynamic, it is possible that you got unlucky and got assigned one that was blocked. Often resetting your modem will reset a dynamic IP. If you have a static IP, those rarely change.

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