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Low/No AA/AF, can I still use visual MODS


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Happy Holidays All,


Got Fallout 3 for xmas and have installed it on the following pc:


Processor: Intel Core 2 Dua 2.33 ghz

Graphics Card: GeForce 8600 GTS ( most recent drivers installed)

Ram: 1 gig (awaiting 2nd gig to be delivered)



When I first started FO3 it choose 'High' quality to run in, I didn't change any settings however after the game crashed constantly when I made it out of the vault (it was fine inside). I turned down/off the AA and AF which seems to have helped


My question is. Is it worth me trying to apply the texture and visual based effects (like project beauty I think its called) if I am having problem just running with AA/AF setup as the default. I loved them in Oblivion.


Thanks for any and all thoughts


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8600 is a mid range video card for this game

don't install too many eye-candy mods and you will be fine


use FOMM to install your mods (by making them into easy FOMODs)


if they give you troubles you can back out cleanly and easily

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Thanks Fonger.


I will be using FOMM, I used the mod manager in oblivion and I couldn't image using mods without it


The MODs I have my eyes on for now are:


NMCs texture (Lite version)

Ambient Wasteland

Enhanced Weather

Fallout Streetlights

Enhanced Nightsky


Do you or anyone see a problem with adding these with my current setup?


Wondering if I should move this down into the MODs section




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