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MGSO 3.0 Enchanting


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Hi folks,

I recently decided to install the morrowind goty edition again (the one that comes on 4 cds). For a better experience and nicer graphics

i also installed the MGSO3.0 mod.

My problem is: If i want to enchant anything (if clothes, jewelry or armor doesn't matter) the maximum enchantment capacities

are all really small. i looked them up in the construction set, to see if this was intended by a plugin and noticed, that these values

were divided by 10 and rounded down. (essentially the last number gets lost).

i wanted to ask, if this was intended by the modders and included by some sort of patch, or if this, as i suspect, is a bug.

and if the latter is true, how do i correct this?


i run the german version of the game on WIndows 7 64bit

i installed mgso properly with the german installer.

with exception of very little bugs regarding the graphics it runs just fine.


my sys specs:


intel i5-2500K ~3.3GHz


Nvidia Geforce 770GTX


If anybody knows whats wrong, please help. i don't want to be stuck with enchantment capacities of max ~20

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MGSO is a collection of different mods and utilities.


Please post your current mod list from morrowind.ini (the [Game Files] section), that'll show which mods you're actually running and maybe we'll be able to identify which mod is affecting enchanting values.


Also: Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics 3.0 Thread #6 (Bethsoft)

Edited by Dragon32
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thanks for the answers.

here is my current mod list:



GameFile2=Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm

GameFile3=Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1001.esm

GameFile4=Texture Fix 2.0.esm



GameFile7=almalexia armor.esp

GameFile8=Better Bodies.esp

GameFile9=Better Skulls.ESP

GameFile10=Better Weapons and Armors.esp

GameFile11=Bloated Caves.esp


GameFile13=Clean MCFC_1.0.esp







GameFile20=Neo's Unique Creatures.esp

GameFile21=New Bodies - Clean.esp



GameFile24=Particle Arrow Replacer.esp



GameFile27=Statue Replacer - Normal.esp



GameFile30=Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.esp

GameFile31=Vurt's Grazelands Trees.esp

GameFile32=Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp

GameFile33=Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp

GameFile34=Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp

GameFile35=Windows Glow.esp



GameFile38=Better Clothes_v1.1.esp

GameFile39=More Better Clothes.ESP

GameFile40=correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp

GameFile41=Female Armor - Complete.esp


i am aware, that the enchanting capacity is small for cheap gear. i play this game for over ten years now.

bur don't you think, that a expensive shirt should have a bit more than 7 enchanting capacity? or a glass helmet that has 15. that way it is impossible for me to

enchant gear usefully.

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bur don't you think, that a expensive shirt should have a bit more than 7 enchanting capacity? or a glass helmet that has 15. that way it is impossible for me to
enchant gear usefully.


Honestly, I prefer enchanting amulets and rings which have plenty more enchanting capacity, and I enchant weapons or armor for those low point enchants like Light or Jump.


But, if you feel strongly about it, you can easily create a mod changing those. Just export the clothing as TXT ( tab delimited ) in CS and open it in excel or something similar. Then you can just double the enchanting values easily and import the same. I am not telling this to condescend you or something. Sometimes you got to do some stuff yourself :wink: Actually thats how got into modding, too.

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Can't see any mods affecting enchanting values there so I think you're seeing vanilla behaviour. See hollaajith's post.


Get rid of this, it breaks stuff:



I'd suggest running your mod list through the latest version of mlox to fix up load order. The one included in MGSO is years out of date.

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thanks for the tipps. i'll try running the backup i made before i installed the game and see if this problem still exists

if anything fails, i will do as hollaajith suggests and just edit the enchanting values.

when i have time for it....


btw. i like enchanting shirts and pants, because you can wear them beneath your armor.

of course i also enchant rings and amuletts for the more powerful enchantments.

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