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What's preventing skyrim co-op/multiplayer mods?


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I haven't gotten into skyrim mods, and I did a bit of research but couldn't find an answer to my question.


What's preventing skyrim from having mods co-op/multiplayer? I know it's going to be a lot of work, but Skyrim has a huge mod fan base, surely people must have attempted it. A well known less game for mods, ETS2 got a mp mod. I know it's not the same thing, but It's just to say that someone had to attempt it.


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The game engine.

Mind going into more detail?

Can they just not spawn an "npc" that does actions the other player does?



No they can not.


Simply put, the source code for the engine would be needed in order to rewrite the way the game works. Bethesda isn't about to give that out and anyone that tries working to 'crack' it and patch in multiplayer or co-op functions that gets even remotely close to release finds themselves with a cease and desist notice.


Every moddable TES game someone tries anyway, and fails horribly.

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There is no code in the 18 year old Gambryo engine used by Skyrim to allow any of the required functions needed for multiplayer. The code does not exist, and to get it would require a complete rewrite of the entire game using a newer game engine that supports multiplayer and network play from the ground up - Which is exactly what Zenimax did with Elder Scrolls On Line ( usually abbreviated on the forums to ESO)


Now that there is already an Elder scrolls game that does multiplayer - Zenimax, who owns Bethesda would not allow a competing free game that resulted from a multiplayer mod of Skyrim, even if it was possible, and would shut it down immediately.


Besides, multiplayer would kill your FPS by having to keep track of multiple player characters all at the same time. Just keeping up with one takes a lot of the computing power of the engine. There is a lot more to keep up with for a player than an NPC.

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There's a co-op mod for Oblivion, I just haven't found it yet. It is buggy but it's working well enough for people to make co-op videos and post them to youtube.




I've found the Oblivion one, however it hasn't recieved an update in four years.

Edited by thisaccountisuseless
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