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Armor, slave wrist irons, glow bright white in Morrow. Overhaul


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I have had this issue since I installed the Overhaul. It doesn't seem to affect anything else, but when I bought a steel cuirass and equipped it, I found, when seeing my character in 3rd-person ( also, when the mouse is idle, it goes into 3rd-person relatively fast compared to normal) that the armor was glowing in bright white. Then, when i found the slaves in the Seyda Neen cave, their wrist irons also glowed.


Is this going to cause issues later? I'm sorry if this is something posted before, but I'm the worst at searching, and I found nothing about it. But, I did find a couple of people mentioning something else-the "Enchanted Hair Shirt" missing. That also popped up when I first loaded the game.


EDIT: I went back to the Overhaul graphics file and unchecked the "Magic Shimmering" effect, because the first time I loaded the game, the trees were glowing brightly as well. The trees look, well not better, at least normal, but the glowing persists.


EDIT: I mean the armor still glows-not the trees. D'oh!

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The hair shirt error is an issue with Merged Objects and some versions of the MPP / UMP. See here


Maybe there's something here about the glowing: Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics 3.0 Thread #6 (Bethsoft). There's some MGSO fixes there, not sure if your issue specifically is described.


[Edit: a plain white textured mesh in Morrowind generally means a missing texture. Is there anything in your warnings.txt file? Same directory as morrowind.exe]

Edited by Dragon32
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Good morning, Dragon32. Sorry for the delay. Here is the text from the Warning.txt. The Model Load Error might have to do with a character in Hla Oad, Glonagoth, who is encased in a yellow mesh error triangle.


Unable to locate Enchanting 'hair shirt'.
Model Load Error: Meshes\KzBC\tb_shoes_common7.nif cannot load file in Meshes\KzBC\tb_shoes_common7.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\tad_rock_refl3b.dds" count 3.
Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2.
Finally, I can easily live with those minor issues, so if the game will play okay with them in there, I'd be more than happy to ignore them. I'm very ignorant when it comes to manipulating files, and the automated installation procedure used in the MO is the only way I'd be able to enjoy so many mods at once.
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Yeah, so there's nothing in your warnings.txt about missing textures so it's not that. Something screwy is going on, did you read that Bethsoft thread? Not sure if there's a known fix in the OP. Try updating MGE XE.


Update the Unofficial Morrowind Patch to 1.6.6 for more fixes and to get rid of the "hair shirt" error.


A missing mesh like "Meshes\KzBC\tb_shoes_common7.nif" will cause the giant yellow things. That mesh is from Keazen's "Better Clothes For Tribunal"


[Edit: The texture count errors can be ignored, everyone gets them it seems and the consensus is they mean that Morrowind's found multiple copies of the same file (loose in Data Files or in a BSA).]

Edited by Dragon32
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Thank you very much for your time with me here. I've installed the 1.66 Unofficial patch but I've been up all night enjoying the scenery in-game. I'll try it again later this evening. Other than the glowing steel armor-not just me, but it also glows on NPCs, as well as the occasional falling leaf, the game looks and plays very smoothly. It is kinda strange seeing my card hit higher temps on Morrowind than on GTA V. heheh

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Thank you very much for your time with me here. I've installed the 1.66 Unofficial patch but I've been up all night enjoying the scenery in-game. I'll try it again later this evening. Other than the glowing steel armor-not just me, but it also glows on NPCs, as well as the occasional falling leaf, the game looks and plays very smoothly. It is kinda strange seeing my card hit higher temps on Morrowind than on GTA V. heheh

Can you post the screen shot of the glowing effect, along with the glowing falling leaf?

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