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Removing Scope/Texture.


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I have been trying use a Weapon ported from FO:3 The weapon however has a scope on top and when aiming in NV the texture and mesh blocks a lot of the screen. The weap is from http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/11881/?

I want to remove not the whole scope but the scope glass on each ends along with the texture, so that it's a hollow tube.


Pic: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-wLfiS8VJqtM/VUF-Ypn0G1I/AAAAAAAAAT0/85Ob6i0aCTk/w983-h553-no/ScreenShot126.bmp

Edited by Manus812
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well you can check the scope model in nifscope and see if the lens is its own node in there, then just delete the node (or change the lens alpha materiel from 1.0 to 0.3 or something) and save over it. you might get some ugly mesh errors ingame this way. This would probably have to be imported to blender to correct and to add in some sort of reticle.

see attached image



another alternative would be to move the #Sightnode up over the scope to clear it when you aim. (just realized its fo3. so youd have to copy branch a #sightnode over. make sure to reinput the txt name in the block details or it will crash if its a empty(a null error)).



Or you can add in a scope mode into the esp file. youd need an existing scope .nif you can probably use the sniperrifle mildot one or whatever, then add the model into the scopemode spot. then flag the weapon attributes to has scope.

Edited by MBile
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There are a bunch of weapons in that mod. Which one is the one you're trying to remove the glass scope from? I can do this for you in Blender as long as you tell me which one.

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also, if you wanted a scopeoverlay like the 9mm pistol has one, you could just add a scope in the geck. this would eliminate you having to aim through a glass tube, and would provide magnification. But if you dont like this idea, scrap it ;)


just check how the scope on any scoped weapon works, thereby gain some understanding of the game mechanics,

and you're ready to go.

I could do this for you aswell - Your choice :D

Edited by PudPut
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