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FO3 / Expansions + New Vegas ???


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Okay so this is what I would like:


A complete conversion of FO3 and all of its expansions to be compatibale to play along side New Vegas.

In short I would like a train, teleporter, helecopter, or whatever that can take you back and forth between FO3 and New Vegas just like the auto travel ability available with other Fallout expansions.

This is obviously a huge challenge and I'm not sure if there is anyone out there capable of pulling it off... But if you can I have a feeling this would be the most popular "mod" to be created yet for the Fallout Series.

I know this is asking a lot, if it is not completely impossible altogether... But I thought it would be worth throwing out there as an idea.


Anyway, Thanks. 8)

Edited by Cucumber Jim
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let me remind you that no one is going to fulfill that request, because it's a Violation of the EULAs and the Forum TOS.


This also counts for providing instructions on how to do such a thing.


I would drop the request now and don't think about it again.

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let me remind you that no one is going to fulfill that request, because it's a Violation of the EULAs and the Forum TOS.


This also counts for providing instructions on how to do such a thing.


I would drop the request now and don't think about it again.


But what makes it such a huge violation? I've seen everything from Halo to War Hammer, even D.C. Comics content added as mods for FO3 and New Vegas both. If it is a legal issue or something please post a link to any information you are aware of. If not I would like to hear about possible solutions to this. Thanks. 8)

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This, I believe, was discussed during the first week or so that New Vegas came out. It was shot down. Mainly because you cannot upload materials from previous games of the company into other games as it goes against the EULAs of those games making it illegal. If it allowed for such then, it would probably be possible to upload it here to the Nexus but it doesn't and doing so would go against the TOS of the site. Kind of why most port uploads here are removed in a quickness considering they go against the End-User License Agreements of wherever they came. Basically, it is only a huge violation because the EULAs of these games don't allow it and disregarding such would be an illegal action and legal ramifications are confusing. I'm pretty sure every game contains the EULA and ToS of the game upon installation of such software hence you are following and agreeing to them if you are choosing to play the games. Anyway, it is illegal, and boy would I hate to be a lawyer. My meandered explanation is probably insufficient considering I'm no lawyer or legal dictionary of knowledge, however Google might help you out if you want to read up on the EULAs of each game. Law is confusing, makes my brain hurt. Oh hey, found the original post if you want to read it.
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the only question that I have even after reading this,playing in the geck,i had seen all of FO3s files,so,just curious does NV have all of 3s files minus the esm? or am I seeing those because I have 3?


As cool as it is,I honestly think something couldnt be done due to Beshesda not liking it,well have to live and learn with NV for now

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the only question that I have even after reading this,playing in the geck,i had seen all of FO3s files,so,just curious does NV have all of 3s files minus the esm? or am I seeing those because I have 3?


As cool as it is,I honestly think something couldnt be done due to Beshesda not liking it,well have to live and learn with NV for now

No. The naming scheme is just the same. Fallout New Vegas .bsas are named the same as Fallout 3 .bsas but they aren't compatible with each other.

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